The economic crisis scrunch in AaB, where you expect a deficit of between 28 and 32 million by 2019.

It gets a økonomiprofessor to shout, sounding the alarm.

“If I were a profit-maximizing shareholder, I would not be happy to look in the accounts. There is a profit margin of minus 150 percent, and it is just crazy. It looks critical. Not in the sense that the club is on the verge of bankruptcy, but the reserve is dwindling, and it can not continue on the way. Continue this trend in four-six years yet, the box suddenly empty,” says Thomas Borup Kristensen to the North.

He also criticizes the Chairman for not having shown due diligence by putting money aside in the periods where the club has had great transferindtægter. Here the club has instead spent the money on new facilities and players.

“How do you do, in many companies, and we think precisely, it has been diligence. You can then discuss whether we’ve got enough for the money, and it is a more relevant discussion than a talk about to upholster. For why in heaven’s name should we put more money aside than the many money, we already had at the time, sigerr Torben text in English, the chairman of the board at AaB, to the North.

As a result of the blood-red figures, the AaB board of directors convened an extraordinary general meeting on Tuesday. Here one will discuss the possibility of a capital increase in 2024.

Torben text in English has the former face of B. T. cemented, cast in stone, that AaB does not have liquidity problems.

“It is the board’s responsibility, that we are all the time looking out in the future. Several of our competitors steps up, and our ambition is to continue to be a part of the top 6 in the premier League. Therefore, we need a bigger room.”

the Last time, AaB A/S asked its shareholders for permission to launch a capital increase, was in 2014. The amount of the company is 76 million. crowns.

Torben text in English wishes to the B. T. do not have to disclose how much money the club hopes to be able to travel in connection with a possible capital increase, but it may, according to the sportsøkonom Troels Troelsen be completely up to 160 million crowns.

Thus, will the AaB, in spite of the bad accounts and a falling share price in the future still have good potential to be a significant player in the Danish top football.

the AaB’s economic problems must be seen in light of the lack of sale of players in recent transfervinduer. It has among other things been the consequence of sports director Allan Farms were sacked, why the club is now chasing a new team he will play for and a new fodboldchef.