addressed To your school during the Corona restrictions, can Juliette Luy and Nuno Azevedo Rua grin just wide. The two are graduates of the Athénée Royal school in the Belgian municipality of Jodoigne. In the past few months, your lessons are held exclusively online home.

“I baked with my twin brother, once a Tortilla. We should be for the Spanish lessons for the Rest of the class films,” says Nuno. There wasn’t much more for the specialist to do. Belgium castle because of the Coronavirus on 16. March is not only the schools but also said all of the tests – the graduates have received this year as a gift.

at the end of June Juliette and Nuno learned via a Post in the Facebook group of your school, that their grades were now online. Since her graduation is based on the achievements of the past year, they had to lift a Finger more. A letter from the school, which was two weeks later in the mail box, confirmed to Passed your degree with a simple cross in the right place: “”.

Belgium’s schools were both in the French-speaking Wallonia, in the Jodoigne is located, as well as in the Dutch – and German-speaking part of the country during the pandemic for two months will be closed. A total of Belgium with nearly 63,000 confirmed infections and more than 9,700 deaths more affected than, for example, Germany, where the death rate in Relation to the number of inhabitants is significantly lower. Also in the neighboring Netherlands – in which, in contrast to Belgium, no output constraints are considered, fewer people COVID-19 died.

“school gives me the feeling to have a life”

18. May be opened, and the first Belgian schools for elementary school students of the 6. Classes to some extent. In June, returned to kindergartens, pre-schools and other primary school classes again to return to normal operation.

students of the higher levels could come in Jodoigne, around 50 kilometers southwest of the capital, Brussels, since then, on two days of the week to volunteer in the school. Two-thirds of the students remained out of fear of infection but still at home, told Juliette about your class. You, yourself, did not belong to the Fearful: “I really had no reason not to go. It gave me the feeling to have a life,” laughs the 18-Year-old.

The Learning during the lock downs, however, was not only in the three Belgian country, but especially from school to school in very different ways. “There was no uniform approach,” says Rachel, who does not wish to reveal her last name. She is a primary school teacher in a European school in Brussels, the visit mainly the children of resident EU officials.

Tortillas are baking or 14 hours on homework

While Juliette and Nuno from the French-speaking municipality of Jodoigne, a maximum of two hours per week of homework have baking done – including the Tortilla-experienced Rachel’s own teenage children is the opposite. You are, as your mother, in a European school, and up to 14 hours were employed on the day. The weekends were added.

Also, for Rachel, even the work is not piled up now physically on your Desk, but online. “It’s a huge work effort, I needed hours for the planning of the Online tasks. Then I had to read the hand-written answers of the children on the Computer,” the 54-Year-old.

at the same time, for the high school graduates Juliette and Nuno communications from the school in their E-Mail inboxes increasingly rare. “Most of the teachers we had sent no tasks, math tasks, there were still the most common,” says Juliette.

The increase in leisure time and left the eighth in order to stream movies on Netflix and to start each day a little later. “After 12 noon to get up, has become normal for me,” says the graduate. Nuno, however, began to push against the boredom of the Sport. “I’ve lost weight since the beginning of the lock downs five kilos,” says the 18-Year-old.

to Study without Numerus clausus

Juliette and Nuno doesn’t mind, that you have not taken a final exam and on your certificate, only “” is passed? The two look at each other confused. Because while in many countries the high school grades to decide which subject to study, the students, the access to University in Belgium based independent.

Juliette would like to study at a University in Brussels, public Relations. Nuno, it pulls in the Walloon province of to Louvain-la-Neuve, where he would like to enroll for English and Spanish.

“The last tests are no Abitur examinations in the classical sense, but normal exams, you write every year,” explains Read Feron, spokesperson of the Free University of Brussels (VUB). Belgian students at the end of schooling, together with your graded certificate a certificate, you must attend the Uni. This is only crucial if you have passed everything and not how well they cut. “Therefore, the conclusion was that, this year, from the previous notes,” says Feron.

first-semester students with The necessary Online oriented online

offerings for this year to build, was for the universities in Brussels, a big change. On a personal advice and information sessions the school leavers had to do without this year. The aspiring students will have to therefore, reinforced during the study orientation. Online, anyone who has passed his final school year may register.

Some of the Belgian students did this year in the garden, lying down like Juliette and Nuno. Other more use in the Online was required teaching. On one thing all seem to agree: Regular tests, they would have overwhelmed and on the future plans of this year’s graduates anyway, nothing changed.

author: Clara Nack

*The post “student in Belgium: exams cancelled, Abi in the bag” will be released by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.

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