The issue of security, one of its priorities : Jean Castex will attempt to get the message Saturday, 25 July, during a trip to Nice, where the shooting took place in broad daylight in front of a supermarket on Monday. The ministers of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, and of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, will also be on the trip. The Prime minister has to speak from the prefecture of the Alpes-Maritimes at noon.

Thursday, Jean Castex had mentioned, in announcing this move, “a subject which is essential, major, “promising” ads concrete “to fight against actions that are” deeply unacceptable “. “We are witnessing a crisis of authority. It is necessary to stop going wild in a certain part of the society. It is necessary to reaffirm the authority of the State, and not to let anything pass, ” insisted his side Gérald Darmanin Friday night in an interview with the Figaro. Already come in the capital of the côte d’azur on Thursday, the minister of the Interior had adopted the same posture martial by promising to ” bend to those who want to bring down the Republic “, while denouncing ” a minority of creeps that it is absolutely necessary to confuse the law.”

Read also Castex, the man who has captivated the social partners

“stop the violence”

In Nice, shots were fired in broad daylight in front of a supermarket in the sensitive area of the Mills, known in particular for being a place of drug trafficking in the city. A video was broadcast on social networks. “Beyond the serious events that have taken place in the district Moulins “, which will give rise to ” local advertising “, ” the Prime minister will reiterate his determination to stop the violence of everyday life “, has made it known Friday evening Matignon.

as Soon as his declaration of general policy, on 15 July, Jean Castex had promised “a firm response and without complacency,” to ” unacceptable facts which exacerbate the French “, referring to a number of recent episodes. He had referred to the “violence” committed in the districts of Grésilles and Chenôve to Dijon (where it was made a week after his appointment), ” the vile onslaught against a bus driver in Bayonne, the observation-apens tendus to the representatives of the forces of law and order and to our fire fighters in some neighborhoods, the traffic at the bottom of the staircase, the trivialization of the crime of everyday life.” The head of the State Emmanuel Macron has hold the nail Tuesday, ensuring that it would be “intractable” on the anti-social behaviour with regard to the particular of law enforcement and firefighters so that they do not become ” a habit “.

Read also The prefecture of police, threatening the safety of police officers

zero Tolerance

” I have always said and I repeat it with firmness, it is zero tolerance “, had supported the head of State. Jean Castex, who had booked one of his first visits to a police station of La Courneuve (Seine-Saint-Denis), is highly anticipated on these subjects, which provide an angle of attack to the oppositions of the left and on the right, critics on the policy of the executive in the face of issues prerogative. Several officials of his former political training, LR, are mounted to the niche these last days, beginning with the mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, who has asked on Monday the “additional resources” and a ” plan of immediate action to restore order “, as it considered the situation of the neighborhood of the Mills ” very worrying “. A unit of mobile force consisting of about sixty officers were sent on site in the aftermath.

the president of The Senate, Gérard Larcher (LR), has, him, asked Friday to the State” to assume its sovereign mission “and end with” areas of non-law and the feeling of impunity “. The president of the national Rally, Marine Le Pen, for its part, had asserted in the aftermath of the general policy statement of Jean Castex that the French did not want to “be paid in words” and wanted to “acts” against the “going wild” of the company. While the ministerial visit should begin with a wreath laying and a minute of silence at the memorial in tribute to the victims of the attack of 14 July 2016, which had been 86 deaths, Mr. Darmanin has also hammered Friday, his willingness to “fight with the first energy” islamism.

also Read Phoebe – Where and when are the acts of terrorists ?

writing will advise you

Jean Castex, first roped to the rural