Valentino Spanu the shock is still deep in the bone. On time on Saturday morning at 6.20 PM, the 40-year-old Italian with his 17 years younger girlfriend, Vanessa, Norberti in Düsseldorf was with a Eurowings-Airbus in the direction of Sardinia eurowings-Airbus started in the direction of Sardinia. The two of them are Sardinians, Valentino has not lost in the middle of may because of the corona of a crisis his Job in Cologne as an assistant cook, Vanessa, who works as a barmaid, was previously unemployed. They wanted back in their homeland.

The flight was calm for the two, and without incident, says Spanu FOCUS Online on the phone. Very calm, even – because the two were the only passengers in the Airbus, in the space for 168 passengers. This is certainly “nothing Unusual” in the corona times, said a Euro-wings-Specherin to FOCUS Online. Because the air traffic will just drove again slowly. Passengers said the already sparse booked flights at short notice – as in the case of the flight EW 9844 from Düsseldorf to OIbia on the island of Sardinia.

The machine was after approximately two hours, in the landing in the summer very lively small town of Olbia, as you suddenly climb, recalls passenger Spanu. “Vanessa and I watched, we were queasy. The staff was acting funny towards us. The stewardesses were busy talking again to each other, looked at us, talked on the phone again and again, and disappeared again behind a curtain. 40 minutes we circled over Olbia. At some point, we were both scared to death.“ Then you even have the passports had been removed. And finally, the flight staff would have informed you that the landing had been denied, because the airport is in Olbia was closed. Then, after an “eternity in the circle of flight”, had flown the Airbus to the North in the direction of Düsseldorf.

Eurowings flew to Olbia, although the airport closure, it was known

the airport, in Olbia, was closed, would need to know the airline company Eurowings, however, before. Because the airport had recently sold two days before the ghosts of flight EW 9844 a NOTAM message (“Notice for Airmen” – “message for air driver”), in the again in the weeks since the ruling closure has been informed. “It is an international requirement that all airlines to check these messages before each flight on relevance,” said a spokesman for the airport Olbia to FOCUS Online. This is because only via this communication system, important information would be announced, such as a broken taxiway lighting. Or, as in the case of Olbia, the closure of the airport.

private Norberti and Spanu before departure in Düsseldorf.

According to Euro wings it came in the run-up to the flight, but unfortunately to a “misinterpretation” of this important message, the spokeswoman for FOCUS Online on request. In addition, he is stuck at the “bringing together of different information from different Places, a lot of mess”, so the further explanation for the spirit of flight.

working in Cologne, the Restaurant lost: The Couple wanted to back Years in the home

This Valentino Spanu and his girlfriend even knew that you can actually not fly at all would have to OIbia, reported the 40 -. Did you know that the air traffic to Sardinia, with the exception of the domestic connection Rome-Cagliari since the 12. March has come to a Standstill. The borders of Italy for more than two months of sealing. And for the return action of the Italian government at the end of March had not reported the Pair, since, at least, Valentino Cologne had a Job as a chef assistant.

Still, she tried on 23. May your luck and drove away in the night on that Saturday to düsseldorf airport from where the flight to 6.20 p.m. started according to the Euro-wings “on schedule”. “We have no more work, the money came to an end. We thought that we try it, maybe“, says Spanu. The Sardinian Region would have communicated to you that there is no flights from Germany to Olbia, as the airport was blocked, even by E-Mail. FOCUS Online, the Mails are available. “In the case of Euro wings, we were assured, however, that the flight plan would moderately take place. And he did, then Yes.“ Before Boarding, you should have only one statement in Italian to sign, the do not be currently infected with the Coronavirus.

private “We were pleased that it had worked with the flight until we passed through Olbia, suddenly, in a curve of the flight,” says Valentino Spanu.

“My girlfriend has cried”: the Cologne colleagues collect collection

After the abortive flight to Sardinia, the two returned to Cologne in the hope that they will come somehow as quickly as possible, to Sardinia. “Our old work colleagues in Cologne have made a collection for us so that we can have a bit of money. One of them has given to us for a week a room available. We don’t know what we would do without this help“, says Spanu.

private Disappointed and confused after the “Horror experience with Euro wings” harren Vlaentino and Vanessa are now in Cologne with work colleagues, you accommodate.

From the 3. June to open the borders of Italy after two and a half months of hermetic closure again. The Couple wants to make it, then Land and then by ferry or flight from the Italian mainland to Sardinia.

The replacement tickets that were handed out to the Couple from Sardinia, after the forced return flight without landing immediately as “compensation” at the final destination in Dusseldorf Euro wings, he and his friend, “use not,” says Valentino Spanu. “We want that the bad trip is repeated from the previous Saturday.”

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not possible: passengers sit huddled in the pilot’s PCP Spatial distancing is not possible: passengers sit huddled on the plane to salt water Trick In strawberries more animal hide than PCP salt water is expected a Trick In strawberries more animal hide than expected