It is an Open secret : it is of members of parliament of The Republic on little excited to see Gérald Darmanin, this close, in the background and also the form, of Nicolas Sarkozy, settling in Beauvau. Then, when the minister of the Interior has called, in an interview with the Figaro, to ” stop going wild in a certain part of the society “, their skepticism has increased tenfold. In the committee on Legislation Tuesday, 28 July, the deputy LREM Sacha Houlié cropped the minister before the parliament. In an interview with the Point, the elected representative of the Vienna reiterates its criticism and is justified.

The Point : You have, in the Assembly, severely cropped, the minister of the Interior, on the use of the word ” going wild “, lamenting ” a semantics that takes us out of the promise of reconciliation made to the French “. Why ?

Sacha Houlié : In the normal functioning of the institutions, the legislature controls the executive. If one has the habit of we see a vote on the law, we see less accountable to ministers. The strong Parliament, this is it. Three years ago, we had made an observation : the degradation of the link, a republican and the link of confidence between the police and citizens. Since 2018, we put more agents of the forces of order (in a total of 10,000 police officers and gendarmes additional five years), we are equipped with more equipment and real estate, defined neighborhoods of reconquest republican. Add to this that the reform of criminal procedure will lead to more efficiency. In short, everything contributes to the reconstruction of the link. When we work for reconciliation, there is no need to have words offensive, words that increase the feeling that nothing is being done or that what is done is insufficient. The semantics is as important as the action.

Read also about Security, terrorism, the presumption of innocence… Gérald Darmanin says it all

I’m not angelic

The words of Darmanin are those of the promise of original Emmanuel Macron, in 2017 ?

No, and I assume to say that it is necessary to use better terms to describe the action that we are taking. It does not seem to me that Gérald Darmanin has a roadmap that is different than that of Gérard Collomb and Christophe Castaner. It is in continuity. Is it that we are going to continue to increase the number of police officers ? Yes. Is it that we are going to reform the police and the criminal procedure ? Yes. Are we going to name and punish the excesses when they exist ? Yes. Why should it be wrong to qualify it as the one well ?

Yet, it is a reality : the reality of violence to go unpunished. And various facts, many in recent times, testify to this…

These various facts, they exist for a long time. They are always unbearable for our citizens and it is not a question of getting used to, to say that it is normal and to take it lightly. I’m not angelic. I do not deny the situation, but to be effective, it must be understood, and fair. The voice of the minister of the Interior cannot escape the application of the measure and discernment. It is to be understood of all.

It’s “he has his opinion and we have ours” ?

On this topic, I do not hear anything of what I said about public safety. This does not make me a lax or rebellious. I would have been able to look beyond institutions to engage Gérald Darmanin by means of the press, but I think that it is the Parliament, the protector of the public liberties, control of the minister.

At the bottom, this word does not bother you does it not because he has been first used by Marine Le Pen ?

What bothers me in this word “going wild” is that one admits the idea that there are people that are no longer compatible with society, that they can no longer reintegrate. In saying this, we admit, as a starting premise, that there are situations irreconcilable ad vitam aeternam. Let believe that we can’t correct those who have committed crimes, it is a mistake because it feeds into the divide of our society.

At the start of September, the deputies LREM change of group president. Three candidates, all from different parties. Finally, the old divides are back in force !

It is not necessary to give to this election more exposure than it deserves. The chair of the majority group, it is a subject very remote from the concerns of our fellow citizens. In 2017, the cleavage left-right was outdated, and it is even more so today. In our group, there are people who must be able to stand up to the government. This is the end of learning ! We need strong voices and people to be able to take the group to the most demanding possible. The crisis has forced the government to much more to listen to the lift field of the parliamentarians. Count on us to amplify this dynamic in favor of the 600 days remaining.

Read also Édouard Philippe, Darmanin, Macron, LREM : the four truths of Gilles, The Son-in-law

Nothing has been under-estimated, this has been anticipated and built

The GDP has decreased from 13.8% in the second quarter, more than the european average. The 600 days that they remain to appear more than difficult…

We can’t assume that a game is completed at 40 % of the end of regulation time. To overcome the crisis, France has regenerated the model of the welfare State. Measures for the protection of the employment and skills were the best in the world. This has been said and acknowledged, particularly on the part-time unemployment, the most productive in the world. Assistance to businesses, whether it’s solidarity fund or guaranteed loans, has demonstrated the robustness and the spirit of initiative that we can have in France when it comes to protecting workers. But the hardest part is in front of us, all the world is convinced of it, and we are ready to deal with it. Nothing has been under-estimated, this has been anticipated and built.

On the social question, our opposites, we make a false trial, accusing us of being antisocial. The reality is that we revaloriserons the careers and salaries of our providers, we put a plan in place-poverty (100 million to the associations of food aid in recent months and numbers new aid for the needy, most vulnerable in the face of crisis), we increase the number of officers in the public service, we are rebuilding our public services which have been tried and tested for years.

writing will advise you

The right face of the case Darmanin