The ex-leader of UPyD and former socialist leader, Rosa Díez, has been accused in a tweet to the militants of the PSOE to remain silent “as the germans to the extermination” and that “they pretended to not smell or see the smoke that came out of the fields.” Díez, who requested to vote for Paul, Married in the past general elections of November 10, accusing “from the first to the last of the affiliates” socialists don’t do anything to avoid the agreement that Sanchez has signed with Pablo Iglesias and the negotiations that the PSOE has maintained with CKD in search of his abstention. In addition, the exdiputada ensures that the president of the Government in functions has made it jump into the air the Constitution.

Díez has also criticized Sanchez for the chosen date for his investiture as for the exconsejera basque is to go “against the three Magi, and against the King that defends the constitutional order”, to match the discussion with the festivities of this weekend. “And the members of the PSOE quietly, protecting the felón,” he insisted.

The ex-leader of UPyD replied to a tweet from the spokesperson of the PP in the Congress, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, who has also been bothered by the dates of the endowment, and that in 2016, also criticized Manuela Carmena, exalcaldesa of Madrid, by the clothing of the Magi in the parade of the 5th of January.

These charges are in addition to a statement similar to the co-founder of UPyD made on his Twitter account on Monday. It compared part of the agreement between PSOE and the PNV with the speech of Adolf Hitler and claimed that Sanchez was a “danger State” . “The PSOE, a party that was social democratic, defends the national feelings of belonging. Sounds like the speech of a certain Adolf Hitler. Democracy is to secure rights, not to protect feelings. Sanchez is a danger of the State,” he tweeted.”