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At the beginning of the school holidays in Bayern, Germany’s Prime Minister, Markus Söder, once more, on one of his favorite recipes in the containment of the Coronavirus, Tests, Tests, Tests. This time, however, the precautions of a very special group of people: returnees from Corona apply to areas of risk.

in the last week, the Minister of health of the Federation and the länder had announced that in future all foreign tourists after the return in Germany free Corona testing. On Monday the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) stated that the Tests for returnees from high-risk areas will duty. And Söder did the same and announced that, in future, not only to airports but also at major railway stations to give as well as to three cross-border Corona crossings to Austria-Tests. How exactly is the control for the verification of the countries it is supposed to happen, remains unclear, after the Corona-controls on the German-Austrian border, have been set in the middle of June again.

The Background for the advertisements: In a number of countries and regions, which are considered as tourist destinations, increase in the Corona cases in the last few weeks significantly. With the help of the Tests is to be avoided, that returnees carry the Virus undetected to Germany. Who is doing the Test voluntarily, you need to abide by any further restrictions. Whoever rejects the Test, you must immediately start after the return, immediately, a two-week quarantine.

Balkan countries and Turkey as high-risk areas in the sights

Söder had spoken on Monday of the particular risks in those countries in which, traditionally, there are living members of the family would be visited. Not officially commented the Bavarian government, which countries are preparing in this connection, a particular Worry.

A glance at the high-risk countries list of the Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) and the three border crossings of Austria, however, to be able to guess what countries is likely to Söder have particularly in view. Because Kiefersfelden, Pocking and Walser mountain travel in General, especially those tourists, and a visit with the car and their families in the countries of the Balkans, but also Turkey.

Only Luxembourg and almost all of the Balkan countries from the RKI as high-risk countries classified

Turks form the largest minority, has long been in the free state. At the end of last year, approximately 192.000 Turkish citizens who have only Turkish citizenship, lived in Bavaria. The majority of Turkish tourists expected to travel with the airplane in the holiday at home.

Much more the three Austrian border are frequented transitions, however, from those living in Bavaria, foreigners and Germans with a migration background from the Region, who regularly travel to the summer holidays in their homeland in the Balkans. And right there was the single European countries, the areas are assessed in addition to Luxembourg from the Robert-Koch Institute as a Corona-risk: Albania, Montenegro, North of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Kosovo.* lie In all of these countries, the number of Corona cases per week per 100,000 inhabitants is higher than 50, which is why the Federal Foreign office in Berlin warns against travel to these regions.

Croatia is currently not a risk area. However, according to the foreign Ministry in Berlin, the infection rate most recently “increased considerably” and reached values that are, on average, than those of the spring at the peak of the pandemic. Regional priorities capital and surrounding areas of Zagreb, Slavonia and the County of Split-Dalmatia. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, for example, currently, there is a negative Covid-19 must be submitted to the Test, which may not be at the point of entry not older than 48 hours. In addition, the foreign Ministry warns that the health authorities are not prepared in the Region “is sufficient in an uncontrolled increase” of corona cases.

Many Corona contagions of travelers in Balkan countries

That the infection numbers of holiday returnees from abroad, especially in the Balkan countries are on the increase, evidenced by a current ranking list of the Robert-Koch-Institute. Almost 7977 known infections among returnees themselves, 1168 have been infected abroad. The list is headed with 303 returnees from Kosovo. Serbia, with 242 in 3rd place, Turkey with 70 in 4th place, followed by Bosnia and Herzegovina (67), Romania (36), Croatia (29), Bulgaria (27) and Macedonia (24). Robert-Koch-Institute

Alone in Bavaria is currently home to around 120,000 Croats, who have a Croatian passport – the third-largest group after the Turks. From Bosnia and Herzegovina, around 57,000 live in Bavaria (10th place), from Kosovo 53,000 (12). In Munich alone, around 70,000 citizens of the Balkan countries to the life that came before in the 90s during the Yugoslav wars to Germany and the free state found a new homeland.

expected a Day alone in Munich around 4,000 returnees from high-risk areas

According to the “world” return currently, about 15 percent of all leave-return-to-Bavaria-risk areas. To a request by FOCUS Online at the Bavarian Ministry of health, where the returnees were from and which countries prepared for the free state of the answer, a Ministry spokesman that it was “difficult to absschätzbar” how many people in the coming weeks, areas of risk to Bavaria would enter the country, because the Situation every day could change. “The Munich airport expects to date for the months of August and September, with an indicative value of approximately 4000 incoming passengers from high-risk areas. For the airport Nuremberg, the estimated value at 1000 to 1500 passengers. In a similar order of magnitude, the estimates at the airport, Memmingen amount.“

To pay the expected Return from high-risk areas on the land, the Bavarian Ministry of health made, as yet, no details.

* In previous Version it was said that Croatia was one of the areas of the current risk. However, this is not correct. We apologize for the error.

Trump is angry about Faucis popularity and complains: “Nobody likes me” FOCUS Online/Wochit Trump is angry about Faucis popularity and complains: “Nobody likes me”