According to a survey, a clear majority of Germans reject the delivery of modern combat aircraft to Ukraine. 64 percent of those surveyed stated in the current RTL/ntv trend barometer on Tuesday that NATO should not deliver such combat aircraft to Ukraine. Only 28 percent are in favor of it. The remaining 8 percent answered “don’t know” or did not want to give an answer. Approval was significantly higher among supporters of the Greens, where more (45 percent) than against (39 percent) the delivery of combat aircraft were in favor.
Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has so far been reluctant to deliver fighter jets. Most recently, at a press conference in Rotterdam at the end of March, he made it clear that he did not want to have this debate. Poland and Slovakia have already delivered Soviet-designed MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine. Kiev’s demands for Western-style combat aircraft have so far remained unfulfilled.
That’s what the Germans say about arms deliveries
Respondents are divided on increasing arms aid to Ukraine. 49 percent thought such plans were wrong, 47 percent right. However, there were major differences between East and West Germany: while in the west 51 percent supported the increase in arms aid and 45 percent opposed it, in the east 72 percent voted against the plans and only 24 percent were in favor. Supporters of the Greens had the highest level of approval (78 percent), while supporters of the AfD had the clearest rejection (91 percent).
Opinions also differed on the question of whether Germany could be drawn directly into the Ukraine war if more weapons were supplied. 48 percent shared this concern, 49 percent did not believe it.