Banish the fear, push away the fears that Spain will be ruled by a coalition of radicals and extremists. That is the first impression that the president Pedro Sanchez has wanted to provide with the choice of their ministers. Next to the economic orthodoxy, the presence of the five members of United we Can assume the arrival to the Council of Ministers of politicians who come from the 15-M and the United Left. For them it is the social dimension of Government, labour relations, equality and defence of citizens as consumers.


Pedro Sanchez draws a Council of Ministers with a marked accent economic Sánchez creates a vice-president green, and counteracts the weight of Churches

The weight of the ministers and their policies you will see on the day-to-day but, of entry, the economic management is above any other priorities. Your success will depend on who can develop the ambitious plan of social policies and welfare agreed by the PSOE and United we Can. The balance, and the difficulty, is that Spain must maintain the rigour and economic to maintain in Europe his face of country serious and compliant with the dictates of Brussels.

it is Precisely the economic team is the one that has most surprised in the PSOE. Not by Nadia Calviño, third vice-chairman, and María Jesús Montero, head of Finance and spokesman of the Government; nor by the vice-president fourth, Teresa Ribera, the face of depopulation and ecological transition. The appointment of José Luis Escrivá Belmonte, until now president of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (Airef) as the holder of the Ministry of Social Security, Inclusion and Migration has caused impact. This expert on Social Security, with much study and dedication to its sustainability, has developed well known reports for this and the previous Government of the PP in the rejection of the visions of catastrophe, you Now have the opportunity to implement their proposals. By obligation it should be understood by different ministries but very closely with the owner of the Work, Yolanda Díaz, one of the ministers of United we Can, which as mp has had a major commitment in the Congress to themes of work and pensions. The discrepancies between the now-partners were so deep, to the point that the future minister of Labour starred in the rupture of the Pact of Toledo, much to the dismay of the socialists. Newcomers to the Government, all of these issues are, in principle, agreed.

That the economy pervades everything. This is the line that has path Sánchez and hence the appointment of the holder of Foreign, Arancha González Laya, a technique of liberal profile, always linked to international trade, with positions of great relevance. His international projection was this Friday patent with the samples of support and praise received from community settings and of the United Nations, where he worked. Beforehand, The white house anticipates that Foreign will have as one of its missions to promote the “economic diplomacy”. Next to the praise, and without subtracting an iota of recognition to his extensive resume, there are within the PSOE, who considers that at this time would have been appropriate to a heavy weight of foreign policy. Although the congratulations effusive of three former ministers of Foreign affairs, Javier Solana (PSOE) and José Manuel García-Margallo, and Josep Piqué (PP) add credit to the election of González Laya.

The criticisms do not come from moment to Sanchez by the profile of the ministers but by the number of departments. It is likely that it will reach to 22, in the absence of knowing the owners of Justice, Territorial Politics, and Culture. The coalition Government has made the president to increase the team of 17 with whom he has worked until now five more. Nothing would object to United we Can to this decision, or to the composition devised by the socialist leader. Sources of La Moncloa stress that the agreements with its partners does not include neither the number nor the people that the socialist leader may decide to appoint. The four ministries of the formation of Pablo Iglesias, who heads also a vice-president and social Agenda 2030 to eradicate poverty, respond “to the weight and to the representation” that United we Can has been obtained in Congress, listed in sources of socialist. Despite the unease that sources we Can broadcast the Thursday, after learning of the decision to create a fourth vice-president, the Churches wanted this Friday to settle the matter and he said in his Twitter account: “it Will be an honor and a privilege to share range with three women bright that I have much to learn. And against those who seek to sow tares, fellowship, and team work”.

Sanchez has had to do without some of the ministers with whom he had worked successfully, as the holders of Work, Magdalena Valerio; of Justice, Dolores Delgado, and Health, Maria Luisa Carcedo, as well as the of Culture, José Guirao. Valerio and Carcedo are sanchistas first time, which cost them not a few clashes with what was then most in the game.

This Saturday, rematará the composition of Government, and tomorrow the ministers go to The Zarzuela, to promise his charges before the King. By agreeing, you are agreed to the discrepancies in this coalition Government. Some and others have free will to act on that which is not part of the Government action. Today the same leaders We are being called to a demonstration in the Basque Country in favour of the rapprochement of ETA prisoners. There will be No socialist