The economic program of the Federal government and the länder also provides for a car purchase-premium – however, only for vehicles with an electric motor. The SPD reaps criticism from the industry, Markus Söder, however, is praised.

The rescue package of the Federal government A buying a car-premium for nitro is not there. Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer makes the manufacturers print on the subject of electric mobility . The IG Metall shoots sharply against the SPD – warm words however, there is for Markus Söder .

Berlin – For many people, surprising is the news that in the Wake of the Corona the rescue package by the Federal government* not buying a car-premium for vehicles with combustion motor use. Until recently, the car manufacturer had not fought with the help of the German Association of the automotive industry (VDA) about a new “ clunkers ” comes only in favour of electric cars.

But the measures of the Corona recovery plan* involve exactly this: the traffic turnaround and climate protection are a priority, and the German car industry is thus virtually compelled to do so, on the subject of alternative drive technologies even more Gas to give. So, the industry will need to drive as the heart of the German industry even more than in the past the departure of internal combustion engines ahead.

No Corona”scrappage scheme” for gas: abrasives, automotive industry, printing

Minister of transport Andreas Scheuer calls on Germany’s auto companies instant pace in the field of electric mobility: It’s mass would have to come, “effective” products with alternative drives on the road, said the Union, politicians in Berlin. The coalition pointed decision to reduce the VAT was a “genuine offer” to the industry. In addition, there is in the stimulus package, according to Scheuer further incentives to the renewal of vehicle fleets advance, and cited the example of the handicraft industry. Also, the Development of the charging network for electric cars there should be a boost.

The coalition leaders had agreed to in the 57 points comprehensive Plan to purchase premiums for electric to increase cars – the automotive industry strongly required premiums when buying new cars with a combustion engine but there is not. Especially the SPD was against it, but had originally also shy, even for a “car scrappage scheme” for gas is strong.

So it is mainly the SPD, which sees itself as the criticism of trade unions exposed: The IG-metal-Chef says about the attitude of the social Democrats: “The rigorous refusal to support the hundreds of thousands of workers today fear for their jobs with statements such as ‘No cents for gasoline and Diesel leads to a massive loss of confidence of the employees in the car industry and related sectors, to the social democracy,” is Jörg Hoffmann in an Interview with the Augsburger Allgemeine knowledge.

German traditional company such as MAN and Volkswagen are with the presented stimulus program is not just satisfied, and to Express criticism of the SPD party leadership.

economic stimulus program due to Corona: IG-metal-Chef praises Söders “Trojan horse”

However, the desire to buy the German is excited to 1. July to a reduced VAT to until the end of 2020. This is likely to have, if passed on to customers, also has a supportive effect in the car purchase , if in a weakened Form.

+ Markus Söder at the Audi factory visit: As one of the three Minister-presidents of the Bayer for a scrappage scheme makes for gas is strong.©dpa / –

So IG-metal-Chef Hoffmann for Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder has a special praise left: “Söder and his Prime Minister colleagues in Baden-Württemberg and lower Saxony, in the run-up to the negotiations for a stimulus package right claims is introduced. No one can now deny Mr Söder, that he was in negotiations successfully, and the VAT has smuggling increase as a kind of Trojan horse and this is a covert car premium for burner has prevailed.“

the World of car market is according to the assessment by the consultancy firm KMPG, not only because Corona* in front of a massive upheaval: “The long-standing world market for Cars is comprehended in the resolution, and Covid-19 will further accelerate this development,” the prediction of car expert Dieter Becker, who also believes: “The availability of raw materials will increasingly affect the industrial policy of the individual States and the technology agenda of the manufacturer.“

by the Way: For the indignation of Bavaria AfD country Manager Katrin Ebner-Steiner made recently. The reason is a photo that shows you on a Corona-Demo.

PF with AFP

* is a service of the nationwide Ippen Digital editors ‘ network

section list image:©dpa / –