Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has spoken out in favor of limiting the number of refugees accepted into Germany. “We need to limit access, there’s no question about that,” he said in the evening on ARD’s “Tagesthemen”.

But in the end, this limit can only be achieved if Germany carries out external border controls with the other European member states. In addition, it must be ensured that the examination procedures of those who have little or no chance of asylum are carried out at the external borders and the people are then deported from there.

“If we can get this regulation right, and thank God we are on the way now, then the number of arrivals in Germany will also decrease,” said Steinmeier. “It’s a difficult business.” In the debate, one should avoid using formulations that suggest that there is one lever.

Steinmeier said he advocates that the federal, state and local governments act together. Politics is currently still in election campaign mode because of the state elections in Hesse and Bavaria. “I very much hope that when this is behind us, a climate will emerge again in which the democratic parties can come to an agreement with each other.” If that is not the case and it remains an eternal topic of debate, others will benefit from it.

Steinmeier replied to a question about the high poll numbers for the AfD that he understood that in a democracy people express their dissatisfaction. “I have (…) no understanding of using one’s democratic voice to support ideas or movements that are based on contempt for democracy. And that is why I strongly advocate using one’s own voice responsibly. “