“We need to have in the case of return of a national effort” – the German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) for 2016 requested. People without the right to stay a would have to be returned to their countries of origin are returned, and the responsibility between the Federal government and the länder, not the Forth goal to be a leader. But obviously the problem today.

A new study published by the German society for Foreign policy (DGAP), shows that currently around 250,000 required to leave the country to live in Germany. Including only refugees whose asylum request was denied not covered. Also, persons whose visa has expired and, therefore, have no residence permit, apply for example, as “obliged to leave the country”. Currently, the number of unauthorised migrants is twice as high as before the age of seven.

About 200,000 of the obliged to leave the country are considered to be “tolerated”: you would have to leave Germany in theory, “however, the state does not currently the fact, this obligation forced to”, as it says in the research paper. Returns here in our country are difficult: According to the Federal government, on the studies the author based inside Victoria Rietig and Mona Lou Günnewig, fails in this country every second of deportation. The reasons for this are divers.

German return policy is a “Federal patchwork”

So, the German return policy suffers from the researchers, especially at three Points: The lack of data collection of immigration barriers, the inefficiency of local authorities, as well as the insufficient cooperation with the countries of origin of the Refugees.

Rietig and Günnewig not complain in the DGAP study: “Who wants to make themselves a picture of the situation, fails rarely because basic data and statistics exist, or for the Public, hardly accessible.” The information, which could identify, they would often provide little information on why so many deportations in Germany failed. Unclear stay, how often people went into hiding to avoid deportation.

more Than 30 readmission agreements: countries of origin make it difficult to deportations

if you Look at the local return policy in more detail, it is also the image of a “Federal Patchwork of hundreds of state actors is uneven approach,” argue the researchers. The Federal government set the guidelines for the implementation of the country-be responsible – and even then, in very different authorities. “Given the variety of actors involved, the processes and the coordination of the return policy are themselves complicated, and often lengthy,” reads the paper. Stefan Puchner/dpa

some 22 000 people were deported in the past year, more than 32,000 deportations failed. One reason for this is, according to Rietig and Günnewig also the lack of cooperation adhere to the willingness of the countries of origin of refugees. Germany have completed more than 30 formal bilateral readmission agreements with other countries. Their practical implementation will, however, often made more difficult by the countries of origin – for example, by this postponed the issue of travel documents or the identification of their nationals out.

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DGAP-study is not a pure indictment of the paper: researchers, solution approaches

present, Nevertheless, the analysis of the two researchers, which bears the title “German return policy and deportations – Ten ways out of the crisis”, is not a pure indictment of paper. Because the scientists are to open up inside also approaches to a solution from the recirculation crisis. Rietig and Günnewig-wide bundling of “return of competences from speak to, for example, for the Federal government”, i.e. a departure from a state-specific implementation of migration policy rules.

Also a more effective System for Monitoring deportations, the researchers are calling for the interior, the Use of anchor centers you doubt. Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) had negotiated the concept, to facilitate the distribution and deportation of asylum-seekers (the “R” in “anchor” stands for Feedback), 2018 in the coalition Treaty. The first seven anchor centers emerged around two years ago, in Bavaria. According to Rietig and Günnewig you can find anchor centers only a “small increase in the success rate in the repatriation area”, and also many of the refugees would have to stay over long periods of time in the facilities.

cooperation with countries of origin: “Red lines” define

With a view to the cooperation with the countries of origin of the Refugees write Rietig and Günnewig: “Germany needs to continue in the cooperation with the countries of origin of strategic priorities.” First of all, you have to create in-depth analyses, with which countries it wants to cooperate. The selection should depend on the number of the obliged to leave the country with and without a toleration, according to the economic absorptive capacity of the countries of Origin and reintegration opportunities.

Then we need to create incentives for the countries of origin – that is to say, financial or economic aid to offer. Nevertheless, the author emphasize in their study: “Certainly positive incentives are preferable to threats and sanctions, if you want to build long-term and trusting relationships with the countries concerned. The decision-makers in Germany should, however, define red lines that, if Exceeded, attracts negative consequences.”

for Example, the spreading of the return processes was unacceptable and should not remain without consequences. In order to reform the return policy in Germany, the Corona of crisis, a suitable time – at least when it comes to one of the Study authors. To the “world” said Rietig: “Currently, the wheel is due to Corona silent. Now is the time to optimize the return policy would be.” The season starts: What to look for when strawberry sale FOCUS Online/should pay attention to The season Wochit launches: What to look for when strawberry sale

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