Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach is alerting the German population to major gaps in medical care. “We have not trained 50,000 doctors in the last ten years. Therefore, we will be lacking family doctors across the board in the next few years. We will be in a very difficult care situation,” said the SPD politician in the ARD “report.” Berlin”. The future shortage “can’t really be imagined yet,” he warned.

Lauterbach referred to his planned law, which is intended to provide more secure local supplies. However, the current draft, which is now being discussed in the Bundestag, lacks the so-called health kiosks, which should be built in regions with many socially disadvantaged people, as he admitted when asked. This refers to easily accessible advice centers for treatment and prevention that are run by a nurse.

Controversial point about health kiosks

When asked about the resistance, especially from the FDP, the minister said: “There were a few things in the draft – they were controversial between those involved. And I just picked up the pace. I can’t wait forever until we talk about the kiosks at cabinet level some – especially since that’s only a very small part.” The kiosks will be negotiated later.

Lauterbach pointed out that according to his plans for general practitioners, upper remuneration limits (budgets) should be eliminated. This is important in order to attract young talent. If the budgets disappear, a larger proportion of young doctors will choose to become family doctors, he said. “Even then, the shortage will be serious. But it has to come immediately.”

When it comes to financing additional medical study places, he said that countries that do not want to spend more money on it are among those opposed to this. “We are short of 5,000 study places per year. So it has come to pass that we will have a total of 50,000 doctors too few in the next ten years. Everyone will feel this.”