threatened Him with the courts and with demonstrations “in the streets and in the squares”. In the first eight minutes, called her a sociopath, a liar, president, fake, lacking in dignity, fatuous, arrogant and pathetic. The leader of the PP, Paul is Married, has recovered this Saturday his speech harder against the acting president and candidate for the endowment, Pedro Sanchez. “Thank you for your moderation. Tap to shave the beard again”, said the socialist leader to climb to the grandstand.

the president of The PP has started his intervention by asking Sanchez if he had slept well, remembering the words of the socialist leader of the past summer, when he said that to let him out of the dream, the possible presence of members of Can in their Government, which will now be a coalition. Married has called on the acting president to send a request to Quim Torra to leave the presidency of the Generalitat after the decision of the Electoral Board and if he does, that applying article 155 of the Constitution in Catalonia. Otherwise, he warned, the PP will take Sanchez to the courts to denounce it “in transgression”. The Central Electoral Board took the decision to remove the Torra its credentials as deputy regional for the sentence that condemned him last December to a year and a half opt-out for disobedience and it is not yet firm.


DIRECT Discussion of the investiture of Pedro Sanchez, latest news live as Well will be the discussion of the investiture of Pedro Sanchez DOWNLOADABLE full Speech of Paul Married in the debate of investiture

the leader of The PP employed is a hard language, full of descalificativos, and much more similar to his speech of the election campaign of April (66 deputies) than to that of the elections of last November (89), after the who said that Sanchez deserved “all” your “respect”, while not their support. “When do I get fucked” socialism constitutional?”, asked Married from the tribune of the Congress of Deputies during the first session of the debate of investiture this Saturday, paraphrasing Vargas Llosa, and his sentence on Peru. The PP stands now the PSOE outside of the Constitution: “We face a operation of knockdown constitutional,” he said, alluding to what he described as “a bestiary” of pacts to achieve the endowment. “It is a Government nightmare, the most radical of our democratic history, with communist, advisors to dictators, banana and whitening batasunos and separatists. And it will be his epitaph a politician,” she warned. Sanchez said after that neither Spain nor the Constitution are only the PP.

Married also announced that if the PSOE breaks the Government’s agreement with Miguel Ángel Revilla for the vote against the PRC to the endowment, the PP will support the regionalist cantabrians to continue to occupy the presidency of the community. “What a paradox that his only support in the investiture of July, now to be coerced to admit the inadmissible”, noted Sánchez.

Allusions to ETA

In his 40-minute intervention, Married just referred to the speech prior to Sanchez and the action raised. He referred to the plans to recover the property inmatriculados by the Church as “anti-clericalism guerracivilista” and occupied most of the time talking about the pact with ERC —”What face of political conflict, there are in Catalonia? What immoral offset is that?”— and also to ETA, dissolved in 2018. “What solos have been our dead,” declared the popular leader in a veiled reference to the abstention of Bildu in the endowment.

“Speak non-stop of ETA”, he berated Sanchez in his turn to reply. The socialist leader also recalled the words of the spokesman of the PP in the Congress, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, when he stated that the political moment now is “more difficult” when the terrorist group killed.

The chairman-in-office asked Married that left “the trumpets of the apocalypse to the ultra-right” and said that his speech had been so hard that it had left “little to say” to Santiago Abascal, leader of the Vox. “Their strategy is that of the worse, the better. So do not abstain,” Sanchez said. “The PP is always willing to sacrifice himself for Spain, but not to sacrifice Spain to support an irresponsible person like you,” said the popular president.

the leader of The PP and the PSOE accused each other of shame to their respective voters with its changes of tone and strategy. The duel between the two, in any case, woke up to the bench socialist (that applauded Sanchez more than in its initial intervention) and the popular (that is stirred up against the accusations of the socialist leader and applauded in the foot several times Married).