CSU-Chef Markus Söder surprised now with the announcement of its holiday heuer outside of Bavaria – to plan, namely in the North to the coast. He is already on the way as the Chancellor candidate of the Union?

That CSU chief Markus Söder is planning its holiday heuer outside Bavaria, defines a political approach behind the travel plans close to you. It is striking that Söder responded, more recently, a different on the subject of candidacy . Söder said recently that he could well imagine to ride this year in the Northern to coastal . Many more exciting stories from the world of politics there are in our App.

Munich/Berlin – It is a harmless question, but in the case of Markus Söder remains little is harmless. Where he wanted to heuer summer holidays do? Sure, in Germany, responds to the CSU-Chairman in the “world on Sunday”, “I can well imagine, to go to the North to the coastal “. More: Söder says of Watt-hikes , tells the story of invitations from the North-East and North-East. Nanu: The Prime Minister , who campaigned so far to the threshold of pain for holiday in Bavaria , think caring nationwide.

Markus Söders holiday plans: the Policy approach is also in Private

Söder a politician-type, which is almost never the Wedding is slips over the lips. Also, in Private, a political approach behind it always. To dramatize without the vacation plans : It is shown that the CSU-Chef bypasses recently, different with nationwide questions. Even more striking is that he is new to the topic of candidacy – less white-blue.

+ Markus Söder stands on a viewing platform on the “experience wood-ball” at Steinberger lake. Söder can imagine to make this year in the North of Germany a holiday.©dpa / Armin Weigel

so Far, his Standard reply: “My place is in Bavaria.” Often, he added, a CSU-politicians get in the North and East hardly any support. In the meantime, Söder prefers to speak about responsibility*, a international horizon in the country as well as in the Federal policy . In a recent Interview Söder says that we must wait for the election of the new CDU leaders in December. “The question is, who’s running as a candidate for Chancellor, is expected to be decided until January.” And: “Who knows what will happen until then, everything.”

Söder holiday plans in the North: it Attracts the Swiss franc to Berlin?

The new word choice exudes no enthusiasm. But it is not a categorical ‘ no ‘ more. “But what,” stated in the CSU-tip . Söder know that there is a time window in 2021, not only as we had hoped 2025. As before, drag the Swiss francs to Berlin , even if he was in the Federal policy a fixed size.

Exciting is the schedule. To clarify, the K-question the Union in January, also means that The CSU will not tolerate the CDU party Congress in December, no link between the elected new party chief, and the candidacy . January is also the month, the CSU, has dominated with their exams in upper Bavaria more than any other party.

Söder as a candidate for Chancellor: output location is new

The output location is new. The survey high in the Corona of a crisis can be the Union with 37 to 40 percent from the Black-Yellow dream, the primal fear, to 2021 as a Deputy of a green Chancellor Habeck , is just remote. So there is what to pick. The Union-altitude flight attenuates the concern in Munich, a wall election campaign of the CDU , as for example, before the European elections, for Weber, could slow down a CSU-candidate for Chancellor .

personalised surveys leads high-Söder. In the ARD-deutschlandtrend three weeks ago, 53 percent said Söder would be a good candidate. In the crisis submerged Friedrich Merz it is said of only 33 percent. NRW-Prime Minister Armin Laschet , in the Corona-policy Söder cross, received only 27 per cent, Norbert Röttgen only 21. All three apply in the Union, in the meantime, as attached.

Therefore, be internally traded in other models: that Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer CDU Boss remains to be easy, or that Minister Jens Spahn jumps from the Tandem with Laschet and even as Chairman of the party’s running – each with Söder as a candidate for Chancellor.

On the question of whether he was thinking once again about his role in the Federal government, says Söder innocent: “I was just thinking in General.”

*merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

section list image:©dpa / Armin Weigel