Mandatory Corona-Tests for returnees from high-risk areas would be that of the legal scientist Thorsten Kingreen, University of Regensburg legal. “A Test is a violation of the right to physical integrity,” he told the German press Agency in Berlin on Monday. “The goal of the infection protection is legitimate and the surgery reasonable. Therefore, a mandatory Test of the Constitution would be legally acceptable.” And: “anyone Who travels in high-risk areas, must expect, that after a Test on him could come.” Currently, the Federal government is also examining such a scheme.

a passing on the costs to those Affected, as it calls for about FDP-Chef Christian Lindner, holds Kingreen admissible. “At least holiday travel takes you, of course, voluntary, and if the state bears the costs involved at the end of all taxpayers – even those who can afford a holiday.” In the case of missions of the employer or of the employer, however, would be a duty.

A concrete legal basis for compulsory testing was necessary, however, and this could provide the legislature probably, however, only after the summer break in September or October, noted Kingreen. “On a transitional basis, one could rely on General clauses to avert danger in the police and regulatory laws of the Federal government and the States.”

Legally less vulnerable to an obligation to assume the costs, according to the lawyers, if you would only apply from a date in the future would be. “Or else Concerned could file a complaint against it on the grounds that the cost of the trip is not yet in sight were.”

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