B. T. caught him afterwards for a chat.

“Here and now does it hurt in the knee. But if it had not done it, I had to continue,” said Ronnie Schwartz, and added:

“I find it hard to assess how bad the damage is. But compared to the our doctor says, I’m positive – unless, of course, comes the bad news after a scan.”

the Accident happened in a duel with the Brondby goalkeeper Marvin Schwäbe after a half hour of play

“We encounter together, and my left leg is going to sit in the clamp. Then suffer a twisting, which makes that the leg doesn’t feel 100 percent,” said Ronnie Schwartz.

It is only a few years ago, that the Silkeborg-the attacker, Ultrabet which in the current season has scored 10 goals, the last was knæskadet. At that time it was korsbåndet that ruptured.

“It was the bad memories that came forth in my thoughts, when I went out. Now we must see how the leg has it in the morning. The doctor said after the match, made some studies, and they indicate, fortunately, that the knee is relatively stable,” said Ronnie Schwartz.

He was not the only Danish player who irked after the fight.

The same did Mads Emil Madsen.

“I feel that being committed a penalty against me (by Hjörtur Hermansson, ed.). But unfortunately it will not be judged. Had we gotten it, had we scored, and so would the fight would probably have shaped up very differently. I’m quite happy with our performance. Overall, we play a good match,” said Mads Emil Madsen.

Silkeborg-coach Kent Nielsen did not want to comment on whether the man had been cheated out of a penalty kick.

“I have tremendous respect for the judges, and when they say that there is no penalty, the situation I myself to it,” was his terse comment.