“It is a duty for me to answer on the football field and let people judge me, as they seem. I didn’t even make the news,” replies Dame N’Doye.

“That can get bad matches, but in those cases one should even know that you have been bad, and why it has been. I do. I have no need for people to tell me the story.”

The 34-year-old player is one of the FCK’s main attackers through time. But it is shaking a little bit, you hear from the mediesky senegaleser itself.

Prior to the match against FC Midtjylland have N’Doye, however, agreed to give B. T. a great interview in the mother tongue, French.

the saying goes that the third time is the time, and it was also the case with Dame N’Doye. First, on the third interviewaftale he came up, then the interview could be carried out. It happened even in spite of the fact that Nicklas Bendtner, completely unexpectedly, broke off the conversation.

Why had I expected, to a distracted and introverted man would troop up to the agreement, if he even showed up. But Dame N’Doye was surprisingly sympathetic, attentive and relaxed during the half hour he had with B. T.

“It was a big movement for me to come back.”

In the summer of 2018, returned the Dame N’Doye back to FC Copenhagen, six years after he left the club with a status approaching klublegende. Therefore, it came as a big surprise, since at that time the 33-year-old N’Doye returned to Denmark.

Several questioned whether the ‘old’ attacker could still perform. N’Doye responded by scoring 22 superligamål in the season and be one of the sustaining forces behind FC Copenhagen Danish superliga championship. Age is no matter, says the now 34-year-old senegaleser, who was not surprised at the high level, he has helped with since the returen of the FCK.

“If you work, giving himself and believe in himself, then opens the doors. Believe in yourself and others, please get involved in the club. It is very important.”

did you feel any pressure when you came back to FCK?

“No, not really, even though it happened before, that the profiles are back to their old club and it has ended up as a failure. It had been too bad to come back in a year and lose it all on the floor,” says Dame N’Doye about the time he did his I am the comeback.

“But I could not disappoint Stale Solbakken. There was much pressure on him, as he got me to write under. He convinced many that I was back, and did a lot to get me here. So I had to perform, and if I had it, we would win the league.”

all In all, Dame N’Doye game barely five years in FC Copenhagen. If he does coach, he is sitting at home and watching tv, and in virtually all the years has the coach been a bald Norwegian, as the attacker is grateful to have met.

“I owe much to him. He has brought out potential in me that I thought I had. He has pushed Kralbet me to the edge, and we talk a lot together,” he admits.

Dame N’Doye in FC Copenhagen can scratch up very simple. Two titles which superligatopscorer, two cup titles and four superligatrofæer. And well yes, so just 113 goals in 206 matches.

But life has offered, other than Denmark and Scandinavia. All in all, the man with the number 14 played in eight different countries, and nomadelivet is an ingrained part of his life. The many move and transfers he has seen as “challenges”.

In spite of the stay in Portugal, Qatar, England, Turkey, Greece, Denmark and Russia, there is still only a home for N’Doye: Senegal.

And as little Denmark.

“If I have to choose a home in addition to Senegal, so it is here in Denmark. I have been here for many years, the club has given me much, and I have given it much.”

Actually point N’Doye on the stays in FCK and in the Premier League as his career highlights. In total, he scored six goals in English football for Hull City and Sunderland, and even though the number does not work fiercely much, it is something which he is proud.

“Many thought that I had not the level. I showed that I had potential and that I can do it. It has helped me a lot in my career. The challenge in the Locomotive (Moscow, red.) was not easy. It was a different world, and that one should just get used to it.”

Life as a professional footballer, has also been made that the N’Doye has long lived away from his family and his children. At the time of writing living in the UNITED states, and the attacker would not enter on the subject, when B. T. asked him.

Yet he gets so much out of the soccer ball, it is worth it all.

“Football requires much patience. It requires reflection and intelligence. In life you have to think about, you have to be patient, you must be intelligent. Sometimes you play against people who are not moving. There, you have to find out how you can get through the block. If you make a report, you must also be patient and intelligent about a variety of issues. It is a little bit the same.”

Just to be patient N’Doye learned.

much of the fall has a tricky knee injury kept bomberen away from the track. But even though he now has a comeback, is a hard fodboldliv started to slide on the body. But there is no other than to give themselves time, even though it feels like a punishment.

“In the beginning frustrated me, and it still is sometimes. I can not work out, as I could once. But with time I understand better the knee response, and so it is easier to manage,” says N’Doye and tells that he will have to take a day or two after the matches, so that the knee can recover.

Why the sad N’Doye over in Thursday’s Europa League match against Dynamo Kiev. In turn, he is ready to superligatopbraget against FC Midtjylland.

But not here, one must reckon with the great gestures from the N’Doye, even though he is the battle’s high profile.

“the Media is a part of football, but I will not talk too much. I would rather focus on my teammates and our struggles,” says Dame N’Doye.

“The more space you give yourself, the better you get it. The smaller the media, the less attention. And with the less attention will get you better focus on your matches. I do not read newspapers, nor in Senegal. It is written in, doesn’t interest me.”