a Week had demonstrated thousands in opposition to a strict Corona-defensive measures. The Easing of most state governments now creates a new situation.

Berlin (dpa) – Parallel to the lifting of the restrictions in the Corona-crisis, the participation in demonstrations against the government regulations.

On the Whitsun week-end, mostly on Saturday, went to many German cities people took to the streets to protest against the restrictions. The participants were below the logged values. In some places, there were also demonstrations against right-wing extremists and conspiracy theorists.

In Stuttgart, where the last will become the nation’s largest protests had taken place, demonstrated on Saturday 150 people on Sunday, there were still several hundred people. For Saturday, several Demos had been signed with some several thousand participants.

In Munich, came to the rally under the Motto “stand Together for freedom, basic rights and self-determination” of around 700 people. The city of Munich had forbidden the use of the “star of David” on Corona demonstrations before. The background is that on some of the rallies of the yellow star, the Jews by the national socialists imposed label, with the inscription “unvaccinated” was shown. In order for associations to the persecution during the Nazi should be-time to Wake-up.

Further demonstrations in Bavaria there were, in Nürnberg, Würzburg, and Schweinfurt, Germany – with fewer participants than registered. In Aschaffenburg, to be invoked where a Spontaneous Demo was, appeared according to the police, no one.

Frankfurt am Main demonstrated at several events, a total of approximately 550 people. In Berlin the police was one of several demonstrations on Saturday around 50 people. At a rally of the Vegan chef Attila Hildmann, close to the Federal Chancellery, were in the top 150 participants. On Sunday, there was another Demonstration at the Mauer Park. After a week-long restrictions, there is now no limit to the number of participants for demonstrations.

In Thuringia, where Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (Left) has a very far-reaching easing of the course is to be taken, were, according to a police spokesman the country, about 450 people to rallies. Logged about 1400 protesters, among other things, in Erfurt, Jena, Weimar and Nordhausen.

In the case of larger demonstrations in many places in Germany had been involved in the past few weeks, up to 10,000 people. In part, the elevators were a significantly lower number of participants is limited, but it had gathered on the edge of the approved events, many more people.