the president of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, bids farewell to the year embraced the mantras that is sure to make the electoral battle that you must wage the PP this 2020 to defend at the polls their only absolute majority autonomous region across the State and to curb a alternative of the left. From a classroom of a secondary school in Ourense, where he studied, Feijóo has repeated this Tuesday that his ten years of government in Galicia embody the “stability” and “moderation” in front of a Spain that is “subject to shocks”, the “backwardness of endless decisions urgent” and the “political captive of extreme positions”.


The pact PSOE-ERC includes a consultation on the agreements between Generalitat and State The 12 main measures of the pact PSOE-United we Can

the president of the Xunta has loaded at the same time against the “policy paralysis” and against the negotiations of the PSOE with CKD in order to unlock the endowment. In a message recorded before the acting president, Pedro Sanchez, and the leader of United we Can, Pablo Churches, to present the political program of his alliance, Feijóo has insisted on blaming the socialists for the lack of agreement with the PP to unblock the political situation. “We have priority agreements with forces and leaders tried and convicted, that have the purpose confessed and ratified to undermine the Spain of the Autonomies”, he said, while “are discarded understandings based on moderation”.

Feijóo has not hesitated to identify the positions of their government with Galicia as a whole and has repeated the name of the community that governs 31 times in ten minutes of speech: “Galicia no remains or will remain silent when the necessary stability to our nation’s common will delivery as currency”. The president of galicia has ensured that the whole of Galicia “feels like a logical concern about the lack of definition of the date of the completion of the construction of the AVE” and “assists with astonishment to a erratic policy that seems destined to condemn a portion” of its industrial sector. Although it has not yet clarified whether it will again be the headliner of his party in the elections scheduled for September, has finished off the speech with a “Galicia is all.”

Feijóo has chosen an educational centre to deliver his message of end of the year because in the last Pisa report students in the community stood at the head of Science and in the top positions in Mathematics. According to the president of galicia, these results support “the educational effort made by the Galicia self-governed”.

In a year in which protests over the deterioration of the health of galicia have raged like never before and that ended with the contested closing of the birthing of the regional hospital of Verín, Feijóo has been argued that galician is “a people of struggle,” which “involves a constant spur to their rulers”. “To rectify the wrong decisions, poorly explained or poorly understood part of the obligations of a politician,” he said, without specifying whether he in particular is going to amend some of its measures.

What seems certain is that Feijóo does not think of turning back the decree in 2010 that cut the presence of the galician language in the classroom and that the Council of Europe recommends to rectify to halt the loss of speakers. Galicia, has warned, will continue to exercise the “bilingualism ” cordial”, the words with which the president gallego baptized the rebates in the protection of the own language which boosted when, a decade ago, he was inaugurated for the first time.