The agreement of Government to facilitate the appointment of Pedro Sánchez does not like anything to the organizations CEOE and Cepyme. The main employers ‘ and the Spanish which brings together the small and medium enterprises have issued a joint statement Tuesday to express its “deep concern” by the content of the covenant. Both confederations had already pointed out two weeks ago, without alluding to games specific, your bet by an Executive official, “stable and moderate”, virtues that do not come in the solution reached by PSOE and we Can.


The agreement of the PSOE-United we Can for a coalition Government, in full covenant with accent on social and PSOE we Can give a short speed boost to the endowment

“The document outlines a series of measures of economic character and work, closer to the populism of the economic orthodoxy, will impact very negatively on employment creation, in the future of companies and desincentivarán any possibility of investment in Spain,” the document says.

The patron, highlighting that their ratings “are not the result of a catastrophism interested”, consider that “the majority of the proposed measurements leave practically no space for social dialogue between employers and workers”. One of the intentions of the coalition Government is the repeal of the greater part of the labour reform that made the PP in 2012, recovering the primacy of the sectoral conventions on the company. In that sense, the vision of the patron is opposed to the unions, which, after such repeal see “open a lot of room for social dialogue”, as he pointed out, this Monday UGT.

Another of the concerns that moved CEOE and Cepyme is the effect of certain measures on small businesses and the self-employed. “Some of the courses of action that are put forward in the document will impact particularly on smes and among the self-employed and may end up giving as a result an increase of the underground economy and less opportunities to access the labour market, the two big problems in this country”, they argue.

The statement did not highlight any particular measure, but it does point out that the text of the Governance agreement will be submitted to the consideration of the board of directors of both organizations this January. This step will allow you to make a valuation more in depth of the same”.