With “great concern” to respond to the EU foreign Ministers on the safety act, with the China, the principle of “one country, two systems” in Hong Kong is now in question. But the Europeans put on dialogue instead of sanctions, says chief diplomat Josep Borrell: “We emphasize that our relationship with China is based on mutual respect and trust. And this decision calls into question China’s will, his international commitments”.

more Robust China strategy – maybe later

more than this scarce note verbale from the Unity of the EU handed to foreign Ministers at the first attempt. Josep Borrell presented the meager result of a collective “Brainstorming” on the issue of Hong Kong because it is also rather tight-lipped. At the beginning of the week he had called at the Embassy meeting in Berlin, the EU needs to find in the face of an increasingly self-conscious and more powerful China to be a “more robust” strategy.

About the need to think and talk, only later a new paper on EU-China relations should be formulated, says Borrell. “China is a systemic rival, and this aspect is becoming stronger.” However, you can’t put the relationship in a box or category. “China is a rival, a Partner and a competitor”, and you need to work with, in global crises, climate change or trade.

sanctions are not the right way to solve problems with China. The EU wants to have to do with the trade war the United States visible, and also a cancellation of the planned summit with China is out of the question for Borrell.

Germany will expect holds, We

“that the rights and freedoms of citizens by the principle of ‘one country, two systems’ will be respected.” The high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong should not be undermined, said the Federal foreign Minister, Heiko Maas. The EU must stand up very clearly in favour of the freedom of expression and freedom of Assembly remain in the city protected. But he wants to connect with the claim, no action.

On the question of possible sanctions Maas almost brusquely responds: “It is always talked about sanctions.” The past have shown how important it is to have a dialogue, to make the relationship between the two sides so that you could also have an effect on China. Because Berlin wool work in the next six months, during the EU-presidency.

the most Important date for this by the German government desired a dialogue for the September summit, is meeting with the Chinese President in Leipzig. Investment protection, market access for European companies, cooperation in Africa and climate protection are to be brought forward, hopes the Federal government as before. The high-level appointment was intended as a coronation of the German presidency of the EU.

summit, there is a “No-go” be a

should be “Repugnant and offensive”, called Judy Dempsey of Carnegie Europe, however, the restrained reaction of the EU. “The citizens of Hong Kong have asked the EU to help, because she is still regarded as a beacon for democratic values”, and now you would be nothing more than a piece of paper, she says the DW. It would be important to require China to Comply with international treaties. In the same way as China, have behavior in the Corona, it should be reminded the government of its international obligations.

If you want to do something Constructive, this is not the time to think strategically, what are the investments of China in the EU reach, such as pharmaceutical companies, technology companies, ports and similar to Central goods, says Dempsey. “It is time for Europe to develop resilience”, in order to strengthen their own independence and resistance to Crisis. Some would call this protectionism, but there is at all no fair competition on an equal Basis with China.

The summit in Leipzig, but Dempsey called a “No-Go”, he would have to be postponed or cancelled, it could not now continue as before. The West is with China in a battle of ideas, it is a matter of what System we want. “It’s not about a choice between China and the United States, because we are part of the West”, there you to consider. Representatives of industry, organisations and the civil society – all need to now stand up for your values in the face of China stand up.

blow to Hong Kong was predictable

“The blow to Hong Kong was predictable, if somewhat unexpected,” says Janka Oertel, Asia expert at the Council for Foreign Relations. The Chinese government believe that is the right time to bring things to an end. They have also strengthened their sabre-rattling against Taiwan. This escalation is confirmed by the recent threat of a high Chinese General that China would attack Taiwan, if there is no other way to prevent the independence.

China’s leaders have appealed to the “forward gear” to secure the “territorial integrity” and supremacy in Asia, says Ortel. For Europe, the come at the worst time. “The European response was shy. In the last years, the EU-member countries, in addition to generally to drag China to the red lines with A Million people in re-education camps in Xinjiang, Encroachment in the South China sea, a massive Expansion of the military, disinformation in Taiwan has not changed all the terms and conditions of business between Europe and China.”

From all this it is clear that the human rights activist in Hong Kong can hardly hope for help from Europe. After all, the foreign policy spokesman for the Greens said in the European Parliament, have formulated the EU, their conviction in clear words. But the next step ought to be, according to Reinhard Bütikofer, Beijing to have a price for the Usurpation of Hong Kong numbers. And Europe should come together, to the young activists in Hong Kong, a rescue boat to offer. The latter is most likely conceivable. But at a political price can some of the currently no one.

author: Barbara Wesel

*The post “Europe to Hong Kong: Clear words, not deeds” is published by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.

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