During the negotiations in Berlin’s ruling Grand coalition of the SPD members of the European Parliament, Jens Geier won in March 2018, a Triumph: I managed to the head of the German social Democrats in the European Parliament, a commitment to a better-equipped the EU budget in the coalition agreement to accommodate. Now vulture comrade Markus Töns, Vice-Chairman of the Europe wants to regurgitation Committee of the Bundestag, the of his colleagues opened the gate further.

to ascend To a press report, the German EU contribution to a year of 42 per cent, said Töns: The EU budget is funded for the next seven years, “chronic”. Therefore, the Bundestag deputies, “we agreed in the coalition agreement to a strengthening of the EU budget. Also the Britain to leave the EU has made it clear that the German contribution to the EU budget will rise and must rise“.

Grand coalition to a greater contribution ready

True words, in the coalition agreement can be read. There it is on page nine: “We are to a greater contribution of Germany to the EU budget.” This is not different: it is only through the Brexit, the contribution of the Federal Republic of Germany to the so-called multiannual financial framework (MFF) of the EU rises from around 20 to 24.5 percent.

it will not stay. In may, the European Commission presented a revised budget proposal for the period from 2021 to 2027, a total of 1.85 trillion euros. A Corona is priced in-aid package in the amount of 750 billion. The money for the Commission on the international financial markets.


is Decided in 1.1 trillion, which have to come from somewhere to Remain, for the most part, from the member countries, even if you can increase the own resources of the EU, revenues from taxes and duties, perhaps. As a precautionary measure, Brussels had to know: “the exact amount of The national contributions will only be known when the member States on the next long-term budget agreed upon.” Therefore, all the Numbers that are being thrown in the room, in the Moment of its publication waste. Crucial to the further negotiations of the member States will be to each other.

Berlin’s delicate negotiation position

the Federal Republic of is from 1. July in a special Position. The middle of the year it assumes the presidency of the EU. A number of European politicians it would have been better, the vexing budget issue would have been included in the table. Because of the prominent role as a mediator among 26 partners, the Berlin can’t afford, a too strong emphasis of self-interest.

rather vague and convoluted, it was, therefore, in the draft programme for the Presidency of the Federal Republic of Germany: “a high priority, we will work also for a rapid conclusion of the negotiations on the multiannual financial framework (MFF) for the years 2021 to 2027. The EU budget must focus on the one hand, to the current challenges in the Corona-crisis, on the other hand, to the longer-term strategic objectives of the European Union in a changing world.“ Much rather would have read it in many European capitals, of course, the clip and the clear sentence from the coalition agreement of the year 2018: “We are to a greater contribution of Germany to the EU budget.”

the giant is To hide behind the dwarves?

The negotiating skills of German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) will be this week at the upcoming EU summit on the MFF, a lot of demands. You know the distributed interests among the heads of state and government. Again, much will depend on the “Thrifty Four” of Austria, the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden. Not only do you have against the payout of Corona-aid to grant-based concerns. Vienna, for example, is locked against a substantial increase in the EU’s own contribution.

During the Euro-crisis, Germany was able to be with his determined Advocacy for fiscal discipline and financial improvement, certainly, to know such countries behind. They needed their own votes to raise the beating of the great Partner in Berlin got then. Now Merkel could be tempted to hide behind this group of countries, referred to their Opposition jokingly as a “dwarf riot”. The neutral intermediary for Germany, could be the justification must also pay attention to their interests – which are consistent with its own law.

The largest economy as the first point of contact

however, if you want to overcome in Europe overall, the Corona-the shock, on top of that, combat climate change, the digital and other infrastructure of the EU fit for the future make, their external borders to protect, research and promote Innovation, young Europeans are even more educational, working and meeting opportunities, the military cooperation to strengthen and also stability promise as for the Western Balkans wants to redeem – the is, the must spend more money.

the first point of contact for their largest economy, which benefits most from the single market and the Euro in the EU. The speech of the Federal Republic of Germany. Of the country, the coalition government pledged: “We budget are to a greater contribution of Germany to the EU-ready.”

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