The day before, it was in Marseille, where he has visited Didier Raoult in his hospital de la Timone. One would have said a head of State welcoming another. Him, Macron, his mask on the mouth and its suit ; Raoult, his hair yellow, silver and white coat. How, therefore, do not question him about the will be gained of the famous professor ? In the passage, we know that Donald Trump has retweeted an article from the american press describing this visit to the IHU Marseille. He opens big eyes. It surprises him, and it amuses. This gesture of the american president is naturally put on the account of a campaign in favour of the hydroxychloroquine. But he always had a sort of fascination with these characters a little different, décomplexés beyond fashion, and prefers to dwell on another aspect of the personality of the teacher in marseille. If he had to go to Marseille because we are going to Didier Raoult –, it is as much for scientific reasons as policies.

Emmanuel Macron said : “This is a person who has a dispute with the French institution. It has fueled a lot of resentment. He has always fought for the research. He was ostracized and he is in a syndrome of anger. I went to the meet not to accredit the idea that he was ostracized. “Hence, also, his willingness to integrate the strategic council before that, by a strategic genius ( !), Raoult don slams the door. Because nothing, in fact, has not escaped the supports that are organized around the doctor in marseille, it is the enthusiasm they generate, the rallies policies and the reactivation of the divisions born with the crisis of the yellow Vests. We were in April, at the time of this exchange, and the world was struggling then the use of the treatment with hydroxychloroquine. This debate, which took, among us, in this France that replays the struggle of the classes, even in the medical prescriptions – and tomorrow on the use of a vaccine, a strong tone of social and territorial.

Read also EXCLUSIVE. Emmanuel Macron : “This moment is shaking a lot of things in me”

Raoult has not been the hardest part

Precisely, the yellow Vests. These have recognized Raoult as one of their own. A brother to the look and name that sound province peri-urban areas. “My belief is that it embodies today a social phenomenon,” insisted the president, who sees in him the new darling of the yellow Vests. In addition, we understand that it has not had the force to get to Marseille. The ideology, he has seen it from all sides, and not only on the side of the hospital de la Timone. In this crisis where the nuance is worth support, Raoult has not been the most hard, unlike some specialists in paris, as professor Eric Caumes of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, very critical of the strategy pursued by the government. Open to criticism, this strategy was, and still is, but the president expected a little more restraint on the part of these chieftains, many of whom, to hear, in addition to have been little clear-sighted from the outset on the nature of the virus, now have accents of editorial writers.

also Read Coignard – Didier Raoult, dégagiste in white coats

And Raoult is not unaware of the games from this court to paris with the changing moods according to the situations. He knows them so well that he has himself made the charge. His detestation of health institutions is known. It overflows today to reach the media, the elites in general, and not only Paris, the Parisians too, as evidenced by his interview with The Express. Throughout the crisis, his rhetoric has evolved. He now speaks like someone who does the policy, although he claims to the contrary. On LCI, it has never ceased to compare the period ” 1940 “. He cites Pétain the defeatist. It dates back even to the Old Regime. “Paris is Versailles in the Eighteenth century. “What will happen to it then ? He also informed us that in his family was resisted during the war, and that somewhere there is a consistency to the see today “only” against all. The prescription only Doliprane is thus for him a surrender. For someone who claims to be disinterested in the political thing, he handles very well the symbols.

“He had an intuition”

” It is a well-known specialist in tropical and infectious diseases “, makes clear, however, Emmanuel Macron, which makes him at least credit for two things : “It was right before the other on the question of tests. He has made sometimes without the proper methodology, but he has been right, as on the question of the laboratory veterinarian. It is as well that we then mobilized the veterinary laboratories. He had intuitions. “He did not want to be forward on the use of the drug, in spite of lobbying via SMS of personalities or political or economic, which have had recourse. “My responsibility is not to pronounce myself on the question of treatment. But by principle, I refuse to accept that we give up to try something by ideology “, he says, even if these last few weeks, and even longer since the publication of the study in the journal Lancet, a distance appears to have been taken with the professor Raoult.

Read also Covid-19 and hydroxychloroquine : the end of the game ?

Consult our folder : Didier Raoult, the infectiologist become viral

writing will advise you

Presidential 2022 : how Macron keeps the eye on his opponents, Didier Raoult : these policies do not digest the pill Hydroxychloroquine : “science is not done on YouTube ! “