According to a current Forsa analysis, the Greens have recently lost a lot of voters from the political center that they had gained around the 2021 federal election.

As a survey by the opinion research institute for the RTL/ntv “Trend Barometer” shows, the Greens would only receive twelve percent of the votes cast if the Bundestag were elected in April 2024. That would be the lowest value for the party since June 2018.

According to the survey, the SPD would get 16 percent, the FDP would just manage to get back into the Bundestag with five percent. 31 percent of the votes would go to the CDU and CSU, 17 percent to the AfD and five percent to Sahra Wagenknecht’s new alliance. For the survey, a good 2,500 people were interviewed by telephone last week, as Forsa explained.

According to the survey, more women and people who live in the west of the Republic tend to express sympathy for the Greens. The party was able to score better with young voters than with older voters.

Civil servants would vote for Greens three times more often than workers

According to the information, among those who would now vote for the Greens there were an above-average number of people with higher incomes. Civil servants would vote for the Greens three times more often than workers and the self-employed. And: Of those who place themselves in the political center, only six percent said they support the Greens. The party currently has 26 percent of voters who are on the left spectrum. The analysis said that among the factors that caused this extensive reduction to the core clientele were the “controversial discussions about the federal government’s energy policy.”

Election surveys are generally always subject to uncertainty. Among other things, weakening party ties and increasingly short-term voting decisions make it more difficult for opinion research institutes to weight the data collected.