The day after I spoke with him about a Situation that has not experienced the officials that occurred in 1978 in the police service, so still. In the Morning Briefing Podcast, he says: “The occasion was succinctly. It was a normal drug offence in a smaller area, as it happens every day: an inspection of a 17-year-old German white skin color. This alone has been sufficient to show their solidarity to this Mob, and to bring violence to.”

To the Person

Gabor Steingart is one of the most famous journalists in the country. He is editor of the Newsletter “Steingarts Morning Briefing”. The eponymous Podcast is Germany’s leading Daily Podcast for politics and the economy. In the spring of 2020 Steingart moves in with his editorial on the editorial ship “Pioneer One”. Prior to founding Media Pioneer was Steingart Chairman of the Board of management of the Handelsblatt Media Group.

Be free Morning Briefing, you can find here:

“We had more than twice as many forces in the city, how else on a Saturday night. The has just passed.“

police Deputy Berger: “It does something to the officials when they come into the focus of Mob violence and riot”

the damage in The city centre needs to be quantified, Berger is estimated to be a six – to seven-digit amount. Also, the police is strongly affected not only her Material. 19 police officers were injured in the riots, one even more difficult. He has broken the wrist.

“It’s something to do with the civil servants when they come into the focus of Mob violence and riot.“

“You ask yourself as a police officer, why one experiences such a high level of violence, if the goal of our work is to let people in a safe and lawful environment of life.“

“There is a large lack of understanding in the workforce, why are there parts of the company that do to us something.” dpa/Marijan Murat/dpa forces of the police in the evening after the riots in Stuttgart, the Schlossplatz. Violent small groups had ravaged in the night to Sunday the city centre.

conclusion: With two days of distance has not disappeared, the lack of understanding about the events, but grown. To listen to Videos Allahu Akbar-no more Cries sound as harmless as the description of the “Party and event scene”. The need of the hour is education.

  • read also: Stuttgart-riots in the News Ticker

Trump and the Coronavirus: The next scandal

The Coronavirus has a medical, economic and increasingly also political consequences. Because US President Donald Trump and his German supporters are trying to discredit the Lockdown measures in its entirety as the error. The new Narrative tells the story of an error. Evan Vucci/AP/dpa

Trump said in the night to Sunday, at a rally in the US state of Oklahoma, the first rally of its kind since the outbreak of the Corona-crisis: “If you are testing in this extent, you will find more and more people, you will find more cases, so I told my people ,Slows down the Tests, please.‘”

in the case of Tönnies: case numbers are rising in the snow ball system rapidly to

However, the volatility of the infection events shows that the pandemic should not be considered as completed. After the Corona onset at the Eastern Westphalia meat processor Tönnies, the number of Infected has increased to 1331. In the four hospitals in the district of Gütersloh is currently 21 Covid-19-patients to be hospitalized. Six people are in intensive care, two of them need to be ventilated. Media Pioneer/Gabor Steingart

► are There also occurred at two other Hotspots of reinforced infections, drying of the 4-day R-factor to the top and is now the Robert Koch Institute according to 2,88. 100 Infected to stick with that 288 new people. Like in a snowball system, the case numbers are increasing at such an exponential growth rapidly. Media Pioneer/Gabor Steingart

►The reporting chain of the local Doctors and the health authorities to the rapid reaction Force of the Robert Koch Institute has not worked in the case of Tönnies ever. Almost 14 days, the health authorities needed in North Rhine-Westphalia, the reaction Force from Berlin to request that arrived first at the weekend.

► today, it is unclear whether the poor working conditions or disastrous housing conditions, may be but also the low temperatures in meat processing for fast outbreak responsible. The question of whether the Virus comes from NRW or Eastern European guest workers was introduced, is the right strategy to avert danger is not uninteresting.

An increased R-factor must, no Drama mean

Because the case numbers are in Germany to a low level, it must mean an increased R-factor, no Drama. But he has the potential for later dramatization. That Germany, before a second wave, is not identified. But it is also not excluded. This morning will discuss the Federal health Minister Jens Spahn, with his advisors, including the President of the Robert Koch-Institute, what to do.

The for Spahn most important players in the coming weeks and months, not Armin Laschet, Markus Söder, or the Minister President of the SPD, but the citizens. As long as no vaccine exists, is the most effective weapon against the Virus to fast, precise and credible communication.

Laschet does not exclude Lockdown “Could be necessary”

David Indian song/dpa

in The case of Tönnies is also likely to have consequences for the NRW Minister Armin Laschet, one of the contenders for the CDU party chairmanship. Laschet has settled in the Wake of the Corona-pandemic demonstrative of the cautious, easing skeptical Chancellor. His Name is associated with the first steps towards a Post-Corona-normality.

at the beginning of April the Aachen set up a panel of experts, with twelve renowned scientists and a pilot study for the County of Heinsberg. In a 15-page paper under the name of “away in a responsible normal” outlined the Board options, such as restaurant visits, lessons, and purchases, again, could take place. Laschet, the analysis did had consequences.

Now, of all places, North Rhine could be-Westphalia is the first state to be handled by the cautious easing back. A regional Lockdown Laschet’s not the castle on Friday. The infection could be localized events, but: “Should change this, it can also be a surface of the Lockdown ceiling in the Region is necessary.” Has it lied? Shock Video out of the canteen proves that the rules FOCUS Online/Wochit has failed to Tönnies Has lied? Shock Video out of the canteen proves that against the rules of muscles build failed and slimming: This error makes almost every FOCUS Online build muscle and slimming: This error makes almost everyone