Tuesday, 19. May. Sandra M., 25, appeared with her lawyer for questioning in the police headquarters in Mönchengladbach. The town of Viersen had provided the teacher with legal counsel. A standard procedure in an investigation. It was about the mysterious death of three-year-old Greta in Viersen’s day-care centre “the stone circle”. A good two weeks before the little girl had died in a hospital a day after her birthday.

The doctors had eyelids red dots on the eyes and face discovered, so-called petechial hemorrhages. A sign of a significantly stunted supply of oxygen after a violent attack. Alerted Doctors, the right medicine from Düsseldorf. They recommended to turn on the police. The autopsy confirmed the horrible suspicion: The child had massive brain damage after a cardiac arrest. Everything pointed to a violent death seeds. dpa The urban day-care centre “the stone circle” in Viersen.

After the other, heard a Commission of homicide, the day-care centre supervisors. The main attention was paid to Sandra M.. she was the last one that Greta had seen living. The girl had spent in the course of emergency care in the Coronavirus-crisis the first day back in the day-care centre. In the late noon, Sandra M. had a bed of her protégé to lunch beat. At 14.45 you not alerted your colleagues, because Greta breathed.

  • 25-Year-old on suspicion of murder – Little Greta (3) in Kita killed, teacher arrested – investigators encounter a number of other cases

According to FOCUS-Online-information, Sandra M. talking in the interrogation around the head and neck. The investigators wanted to know if you’ve noticed the telltale red dots at Greta. “You said that you saw these points,” confirmed a senior Prosecutor Lothar ti-MES compared to FOCUS Online. In addition, the Mittzwanzigerin have expressed that it would not have otherwise crossed the Bedroom to the period in question. From the point of view of the investigator, these statements were important evidence for a suspicion.

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Only she reported on the red dots, the killing characteristics. Only you alone will have seen all of 15 minutes after Greta. From the point of view of the investigator, there was no doubt that the young governess has killed the child. They immediately stopped the interrogation. Initially, as a witness, questioned, taught the police officials Sandra M. as the Accused and arrested them. Since then, she is silent.

The further investigation in the case of dieting, in the meantime, an enormous suspicion: the Same in three other daycare centers in the lower Rhine town of Tönisvorst, Krefeld, and Kempen have similar incidents played when Sandra M. was in charge. Neither the Kita-management or youth authorities or Doctors became suspicious. dpa/Marius Becker/dpa The urban day-care centre “the stone circle” in Viersen.

In Krefeld colleagues found a three-year-old boy with the crazy eyes who was unconscious. In a facility in Kempen, a two-year-old Boy between 2018 and June 2019 had to be delivered four Times per emergency physician in a clinic. Initially, the Kempen, the city had denied the top of the relevant incidents, however, in the meantime rowed back. The rules referred to in each accident will be forwarded display via the youth welfare office of the accident Fund. Because the doctor gave no response to external influence in the case of the boys, was not to become, also, was the summary.

in the Meantime, however, a new suspicion is that two other wards are like the Kempen Kita their teacher victims. “We have heard from the father of a child to be heard is,” chief Prosecutor ti-MES. He also reported from a well-Known, whose child is supposed to be Similar to befall.

  • Were ignored warning signs “of serious early”? – Greta (3) in Kita killed: NRW-Ministry examines the possible failure of the youth welfare office

Usually, violent incidents must be reported in the facilities on the Land youth welfare office. The authority, however, reacted to these instructions, remains unclear. So far, with regard to the investigations covered. NRW family Minister John Stamp (FDP) went in the Offensive and called for clarification: “if true, the terrible allegations, it must also be in-depth the question of whether serious early were ignored warning signs and whether the incidents are not reported to the competent youth welfare office, and no reports were made”, informed the Ministry of the German press Agency.

still, the question is: How Sandra M. was able to dive for as long as unnoticed under the Warning radar of colleagues and the municipal Supervisory authorities ? Already in its year of Recognition in Krefeld means it was negative. For the educator profession, it was regarded as unsuitable. Nevertheless, they made their statements and got new Jobs. The city of Krefeld entrenched, however, with a rating behind the ongoing investigation. Marcel Kusch/dpa

The acute staff a state of emergency in the educational sector, according to experts, have led to entirely different evaluation criteria in the training sites. The same applies to the setting mode in the kindergartens. Klaus Bremen, Chairman of the German kindergarten Association of North Rhine-Westphalia, holds a simple explanation of the Council of Europe: “According to the labour law, negative assessments may not be in the employment certificate, This document says little about whether someone is qualified for the job or not.”

Furthermore, it was also forbidden for data protection reasons, the day-care centres replacing a candidate. Against this Background, the Bremen calls on the legislator to change the labour regulations for example, in social activities so that an assessment could be included for Suitability.

Normally, each applicant must submit in a kindergarten next to his curriculum vitae and attestation of his previous employer, also an advanced police certificate, according to the expert. “But above all, it remains important to the new employee in the facilities during the six months trial period just to watch.” The Kita-Teams are required to check in this time, the Suitability of the new colleagues.

Bremen, but warns of a General anxiety-hysteria among parents, “The young woman in Viersen is according to current knowledge, a case stand.” In addition to the selection process, a network of child protection professionals to ensure that “the Welfare of the children remains in view”. dpa, Guido Roßkamp (l), head of the murder Commission, and Lothar all ti-MES, spokesman for the Prosecutor’s office, during a press conference.

The town of Viersen as a carrier of the device, in the Greta died, in a statement, further Details on the employment of the suspect’s teacher informed. Therefore, Sandra M. on 1. January 2020 in the case of the Kita circle of stones started. 30. April had not terminated because she really liked the concept, in addition to the size. “The selection was made in the usual, standardized procedures,” said a city spokesman. “The management of human resources, the staff Council, the Commissioner for equality, as well as, where applicable, the severely handicapped employee representative are in addition to the youth welfare office involved. In the absence of any evidence for concern arose from the view of the city of Viersen.“

Sandra m. have submitted the required documents, the report says. In addition, employees in the probationary period would be accompanied by the Kita-tips “closely and observed. Also a result of staff discussions can be held in a poet. All of these processes need to be documented.“

According to the city of Viersen, there had been neither the leadership nor the colleagues concerns about employment. Complaints from parents were also not known. 22. April should be the last working day of the kindergarten teacher Sandra M. in Viersen the nursery. Supposedly they already had a new contract in the bag. A day before their departure, the little Greta has suffered a terrible martyrdom. Why? Why? The remains still open. “You do not want to be Chancellor“: impact-ready-to-Travel clerk provoked Laschet-laugh, FOCUS Online/Wochit “you do not want to be Chancellor“: impact-ready-to-Travel clerk provoked Laschet-laugh