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he has threatened it before. But now Donald Trump seems to take seriously: On Monday, the US President in Washington confirmed officially before the representatives of the press, the largest U.S. soldiers contingent in Europe, stationed in Germany, solid reduce. As a reason, he cited the refusal of the Federal government, the self-imposed Nato target of two percent of gross domestic product (GDP) for defense spending. This objective should be achieved until 2024. The Federal government has increased the military budget significantly. In 2019, the proportion was, however, only 1.38 percent of the GDP.

to disadvantage In addition to Trump the government of German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) complains that the United States was at trade. A thorn in the eye, especially the German-Russian gas pipeline project “Nord Stream 2”, the routing is through the Baltic sea shortly before completion in him.

criticism from Germany and from the Nato Secretary-General

The announcement, U.S. troops in Germany to reduce 34.500 soldiers to 25,000, launches in Germany on harsh criticism. SPD-Chef Norbert Walter-Borjans, even questioning the Two-percent target, Left-in-chief Dietmar Bartsch speaks simply of “extortion”, which is under Nato partners “is an absolute No-Go.” And Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will discuss “the for the whole of the Alliance relevant to the topic of” in the next two days with the defence Ministers of the Alliance countries.

But, as the Chancellor may respond to trump’s threat, without blackmail, and at the same time undermine non – German economic and security interests?

in the USA-expert hunter: “This Situation is extremely dangerous,”

U.S. expert, Thomas hunter of the University of Cologne looks back with concern to this latest escalation. “This Situation is extremely dangerous,” warns the political scientist, in an interview with FOCUS Online. And that is largely down to “lack of Alternatives”, the Merkel as a response to trump’s foray remained as to Trump even wants to be in November as President again. “Trump is an inner lacks a corrective and critical people in his government, which may preserve him from serious errors.”

in Addition, the pressure on the incumbent, has grown in the past two weeks, not only because of its heavily criticized Corona-policy, but also because of his provocative action after the two fatal cases of police violence against African-Americans.

in response, the Federal government is “extremely low,”

hunter estimates the scope of the Federal government to trump’s threat to respond, as a “very low”. In the USA,-the expert makes the three points.

  • defence expenditure. These expenses can not from today to tomorrow just drastically increase, so hunters. Also, Germany had less financial flexibility because of the necessary expenditure in the corona of a crisis. “Also, the will in the government of the groups is missing for a significant increase anyway,” he says.
  • North Stream 2: The dispute over the gas pipeline “escalated,” says hunter. The Federal government is standing in relation to this project, even within the EU, “quite alone”. However, since the Pipeline is almost finished and the Federal Republic of Germany is bound by treaties, seems to be an exit unthinkable. “The pressure will increase, because the US government has already announced the sanctions because of the Pipeline on all States that are involved in any way in the construction.”
  • Economic cooperation charged: An economic cooperation with the USA in these times particularly difficult. This is mainly due to the sanctions, which Trump adopted due to the Pipeline construction. How difficult is shown by the attempt of the defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the United States, at least, military-to dessert. For your proposal, out German Tornado fighter planes served to replace the American F-34, earning them a strong wind from the own government.
  • Trump is immune to sharp criticism of high-ranking U.S. military

    How important is the presence of U.S. troops in Germany, as mentioned by Kramp-Karrenbauer had pointed out on Monday in an Interview with FOCUS Online. In this presence it is also “very own security interests of the United States”. Kramp-Karrenbauer recalled that the Russian cruise missiles SSC-8 “to threaten almost the whole of Europe” and Russia have also upgraded atomically “solid”. The main problem was and remains that the US President, the security interests of the Europeans “don’t care about,” says hunter. “It’s not interested in him, and he also doesn’t understand it.”

    It also changes nothing that Trump always gets back to massive criticism from senior military officials. So the Ben Hodges, former commander of U.S. troops in Europe, suggests that the troops strength in the past few years, had been reduced in Europe is already strong. The remaining approximately 34.500 U.S. soldiers were primarily for the protection of Germany, but were required, “to support American units on the way to Africa or the Middle East,” said Hodges of the editors ‘ network of Germany. “The damage they do to us, only yourself,” added Hodges.

    the relationship between The President and the military was not only still never very good, but in the meantime, as a distraught classified. Therefore, the expert doubted the hunter, whether Trump will listen to these warnings.

    What remains is not a “certain hope” that Trump implements the trigger

    hunter sees a “certain hope” that the US President does not implement the troop withdrawal, but in the fact. “But even if you don’t like his military: The US President is not only head of state but also commander-in-chief of the armed forces.”

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