WASHINGTON — Congressional leaders are working towards passing a stopgap law through March 11 to prevent a government shutdown. Negotiations continue on a full financing deal.

Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), House Appropriations Chair, introduced the three-week funding bill Monday. She called it an attempt to keep the federal government “up-and-running while Congress completes its important work.”

Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), House Majority Leader, stated that the House is likely to pass a continuing resolution “this week” in order to buy time.

Hoyer stated Sunday that negotiations are intense and that they will reach agreement on both the top line and how much spending will be made and how it will all be spent. Hoyer spoke Sunday on MSNBC’s Sunday Show.

He said, “But it’s still not there so I expect to do continuing resolution this coming week to continue the authorization to government to operate. And be funded. And hopefully the Senate will also do the same.”

Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Senate Appropriations Chair, stated that he isn’t giving up on a bigger deal.

He said that there was still time. “We’re still talking.”

Roy Blunt (Republican from Missouri), a senior appropriator who is also a member of the GOP leadership, stated that some senators in his caucus would prefer to maintain the government funded at the current levels. These levels date back to Trump’s administration.

He said that they want to spend more on the military.

Blunt stated, “Can’t have everything all the time.”

Blunt stated that it was “open to debate” how long the stopgap bill would last.

He stated that “my view is to keep it as brief as possible.” “We still have the possibility of getting the final bill done.”