WASHINGTON — On Monday, President Joe Biden will host Olaf Scholz (the new chancellor for Germany), at the White House. The two leaders will discuss the growing threat of a Russian invasion in Ukraine.

The United States and NATO partners are increasingly concerned that Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to invade the Ukraine soon. Putin has placed 100,000 troops close to the border with Ukraine. Jake Sullivan, White House national security advisor, stated Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that an invasion of Ukraine “could happen at any moment.”

Biden stated that Germany was one of America’s closest allies at Monday’s start to Monday’s meeting. “We are working together to deter Russian aggression in Europe.”

Scholz, who assumed the leadership of his country in December has been subject to harsh criticism from both home and abroad because he did not play a more active role in addressing tensions with Russia and Ukraine.

Scholz refused to send arms or offer 5,000 helmets to Ukraine. Vitali Klitschko, Kyiv’s mayor dismissed Scholz’s offer as “a joke”. And Scholz also declined to say what kind of sanctions he would back if Russia invaded.

A senior administration official stated that the two leaders will discuss their common concerns regarding Russia’s military buildup at Ukraine’s borders and their shared commitments to continuing diplomatic efforts to encourage Russia, as well as ongoing efforts for deterrence against further Russian aggression.

According to the official, Biden and Scholz will also discuss the controversial Nord Stream 2 pipe. This 745-mile natural gasoline pipeline bypasses Ukraine’s transit infrastructure to bring Russian gas directly to Germany.

The U.S. warned that Germany could become too dependent on Russia for its energy. Nord Stream 2 will be a significant threat to Ukraine’s security, as it will cost the government a lot of money.

Scholz has not stated whether he would be willing to stop the pipeline project in case Russia invades Ukraine. Scholz said in an interview published Sunday by The Washington Post that he would not answer specific questions about the pipeline project, but that he would be unified and decisive.

Although the pipeline is complete, it is still not operational.

Officials from the Biden administration stated that the U.S. had made its position regarding the pipeline very clear.

The official stated that if Russia invades Ukraine, Nord Stream 2 will not proceed in any way. However, he declined to state whether Germany would agree with this position.

According to the White House, they will also discuss the coronavirus pandemic and climate change as well as other economic and security concerns.

Following their meeting, Scholz and Biden will hold a joint news conference at The White House.