California Democrats have accelerated the plan to make America’s largest state a sanctuary state for women seeking abortions. This was prompted by the publication this week of an early draft U.S. Supreme Court decision that has sparked a wave of activism from the state’s many providers and advocacy organizations.

Although the draft could be changed when a final ruling, which is likely next month, it would effectively end almost 50 years federal abortion protections. Within hours of a leaked copy being published, Gov. Gavin Newsom and top state legislative leaders announced that they would seek voter approval for California to make abortion legal in California. This move was designed to protect the state from future court decisions and to prevent a federal ban on abortion if Republicans are elected to Congress.

The state Legislature was fast tracked by Democrats on Thursday to pass a bill that would prevent other states from imposing criminal or civil penalties on those who aid or provide abortions in California. This will likely lead to another long legal battle over state sovereignty.

California Legislative Women’s Caucus asked Newsom to provide $20 million for California to pay for abortion-related expenses for women who are not allowed to travel to California from other states. This sum could be announced by the governor in his revised budget proposal next Wednesday.

Within 48 hours of the draft ruling becoming public, California’s sole statewide nonprofit that assists women traveling to the state for abortions raised $25,000. This is a quarter of the normal annual expenditure. In addition to fielding floods of calls from people offering free rides or places to stay for women seeking to end their pregnancies, the organization also received a flood of volunteers.

California’s efforts are comforting for Madilynne Hoffman. Two-year-old Madilynne Hoffman, a mother of two, ended her pregnancy at the Central Valley abortion clinic in December.

She claimed that a protester followed them to their car when she went back to the same clinic for birth control later. This experience and the draft court ruling prompted her look for volunteer opportunities at clinics.

She said, “It’s very sad to think that women must fight for their bodies.” It should be an automatic right.

California’s legislative efforts are the first salvos of the next phase in the abortion rights fight. This will be played out between state governments, who are free to make and enforce their rules if federal protections are removed. In anticipation of the court’s decision, Republican-led states such as Idaho and Oklahoma have already passed more restrictive abortion laws.

California and other Democratic-led states are now passing laws that expand abortion access.

13 bills were drafted by Democrats, who control all power in the state government. They would allow more doctors to perform abortions, provide scholarships for reproductive care physicians, prevent other states from having access to some California medical records, and establish a fund for taxpayers to pay for women in California where it is illegal to have the procedure. Already, a law has been passed that prohibits co-pays and increases deductibles to make abortions more affordable.

Abortion providers are busy adding more space and doctors to accommodate a predicted increase in patients. Planned Parenthood Mar Monte is the largest Planned Parenthood affiliate in the country. It is currently renovating and building new facilities at Reno, San Jose and Fresno. It will increase their capacity by 200 to 500 patients per day when they are finished.

“We’ve been planning for it for more than a year — and honestly, since November 2016,” Andrew Adams, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte’s chief of staff, and head of strategic communication, stated.

Anti-abortion activists are also getting ready by increasing staffing at crisis pregnancy centres and providing support. These centers are often located near abortion clinics, and they are affiliated with religious groups. They aim to convince women to have an abortion or to consider other options.

These centers are located in conservative states and receive millions of dollars in public funds. California passed a law that required centers to inform clients about abortion services. In 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned that law.

Jonathan Keller, president of the California Family Council and CEO, said, “We believe that’s the way people of faith, and the pro-life community, can really help us to put our money where we mouth.” “Abortion should never be considered the best option for a woman.”

Although abortion is legal in all 50 states, it is not always easy to access, especially for those who live in rural or poor areas. Nearly 100 “abortion funds,” which are available in the United States, help women to pay for travel, lodging, and child care to get to their appointments.

According to Sierra Harris (deputy director of network strategy at the National Network of Abortion Funds), a national digital fundraising platform has raised approximately $1 million since Monday.

Access Reproductive Justice is the state’s abortion fund. According to Jessica Pinckney, the group assists approximately 500 women annually. About a third of them are from other states. On average, each woman receives $300 to $400 worth of assistance.

This doesn’t cover everything. The group has 50 core volunteers that are available to lend a hand, give money, and provide rides. Harris is one of those volunteers.

Harris has been primarily providing cash assistance since the pandemic. Harris, a mother of two young children, recalled how she helped to purchase a plane ticket for another woman so she could go to an abortion. Harris was later sent a card by the woman, who was also a mother and called her an “angel”.

Harris stated that Harris’ help helped her “to raise the child she has.” Harris said, “I think about it all the time.”