it reported the “mirror” on Monday. The investigators consider the man, therefore, clearly of the extreme right. The MAD had come to the officer on the track since he was involved in two extreme right-wing chat groups. There is extreme propaganda had been exchanged among the participants, material, and Graffiti. On the data carriers of the Suspects the investigators have found a detailed list of 17 politicians and Celebrities who were listed with phone numbers and some with their private addresses.

Were planned violent actions?

The investigators check according to the report, now, whether the Reservist or the other chat participants are prepared with the list of violent actions against the politicians.

According to the “mirror” should be listed next to the foreign Minister, Heiko Maas and his predecessor Sigmar Gabriel from the SPD Minister for family Affairs, Franziska Giffey, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig, the Rhineland-Palatinate Minister-President Malu Dreyer, Vice Chancellor and Olaf Scholz and Ex-party leader Martin Schulz.

a Lot of politicians … and Til Schweiger on the list

Of the Green party, the heads of Anna Lena Baerbock, and Robert Habeck are to be found on the list, as well as Ex-party chief Cem Özdemir. The Left-politician Katja Kipping, Gregor Gysi, Dietmar Bartsch, as well as FDP leader Christian Lindner were recorded, in addition, the German actor Til Schweiger.

The Reservist was immediately out of a running reserve of the exercise of the force is taken out, reported the “mirror” more. So should be prevented, that he had access to weapons and ammunition.

the Ministry of defense confirmed case

The Ministry of defence confirmed the “mirror” on Monday evening the case. “We are aware of one case of a reservist, in case of the suspicion of membership in extreme right-wing chat groups”, quoted the magazine a speaker. He refused to give Details because of the ongoing investigation of the MAD and the civilian authorities. Schäuble makes a vote for the stimulus package with a set for laughs, FOCUS Online/Wochit Schäuble ensures that vote for the stimulus package with a set for laughs
