the driver of The car was driven in Adelsried (district of Augsburg) on the highway and after a short time into a Skid come. According to police, the vehicle transverse to the direction of travel, following the car drove. Later, another car collided with the other two.

a woman sat in the skidding vehicle, any help is too late. A man and a woman who also sat in this car, were seriously injured. In the two other vehicles, a woman and a man were seriously wounded hard. One of the reviewers should now clarify why the accident began to Skid.

accident on the A8: the car torn apart and partially on the carriageway

thrown out and A car was ripped in the accident in two parts. The one part of the wreck was hurled by the force of the impact even on the lane boundary on the opposite lane.

For the emergency use of the A8 motorway had to be closed temporarily in both directions of travel.

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