according to legend, was once supposed to have in the idyllic Hitzacker on the river Elbe, the dwarves lived. To commemorate these fantastic inhabitants, has set up the “dwarven ring”, a club founder Peter Wieczorek, 32, fine copies in Bronze in the city, such as “RTL” reported. The characters with names like “Audi”, “Historicus”, “Aquarius” or “Goldi” are now part of the urban image.

But much to the Revolt of the dwarf Association and the citizens now is a repeat of a brazen thief added: “Audi” was broken from its fastening to a rock facing the river Elbe and stolen. And not for the first Time. After “Audi 1 and Audi 2” have been already stolen, it was when the dwarf is already the third copy, but now the nimble fingers of the victims. Reuters/Philipp Schulte image views of the old town of Hitzacker.

a more bizarre crimes you read here…

Black magic, or police investigations?

The police has already initiated investigations, but Pat still in the dark. Only guesses can be made, whether it is metal thieves, or senseless vandalism of semi-strong. However, Wieczorek and the Rest of his dwarf Association are confident that the thieves will soon receive their just punishment. Because the dwarves are supposed to have special abilities: “Actually, it’s so that the black magic of the dwarves pursued the perpetrators at night,” says the founder. If someone has a late-night violent sweat, this should be a sign that the dwarves were already working on him.

not If help the black magic of the dwarves, but was advertised also in addition, a reward of 500 euros for the capture of the perpetrators.

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