From a large amount of money in plus to a large millionunderskud.

this is The status of transferaktiviteterne in Brøndby IF, who have delivered yet another negative quarterly results.

it is, that Brøndby IF has a minus of 24.2 million compared to transferaktiviteter in 2019.

It stands in stark contrast to 2018, where the club had a positive transferresultat on the plus 36,3 million, partly as a result of the large sale of Frederik Rønnow and Christian Nørgaard.

‘the Result of transferaktiviteter represents less 24,2 million. kr. in the period 1. January to 30. september 2019, which is due to significantly lower sales activity in 2019 in relation to the 2018 as well as increased depreciation on the kontraktrettigheder in 2019 in relation to the 2018 as a result of investments in spillertruppen,’ says the Ole Palmå, director of Brøndby IF, in a press release.

In all, there is a difference in the transferindtægter of 60 million kroner in just one year. Christian Nørgaard was sold for about 25 million dollars, while Rønnow went to Germany for 21 million dollars.

Brøndby IF in 2019 purchased several profiles, Dumanbet which has contributed to transferresultatet of 24.2 million dollars in the deficit, while it has not been to the big sale.

In January brought the club Simon Hedlund, which cost 7.5 million dollars. In the summer it was Tobias Børkeeiet bought for in the region of 10 million crowns, according to which both Sigurd Rosted, Andreas Maxsø and Johan Larsson followed.

the Danish superliga club informs Thursday in its financial statements for the third quarter that it expects a loss in the 75 to 79 million dkk before tax for 2019.

It’s 12 to 16 million dollars more than the latest announcement. Ole Palmå therefore accounts for the ‘unsatisfactory’ and ‘frustrating’.

“It is frustrating that we can observe, that we once again must adjust our expectations for the full year. We now expect that we will land in the spread minus 75 million. kr. to minus 79 million. crowns,” he says.

In the accounts, it also found that the blågule owe owner Jan Bech Andersen more than 50 million dollars.