A new party so that the light from the morning.

Even a bourgeois liberal party came forward on the field with the two renegade members of the Liberal Alliance. Thus, there is klumpspil about the voters who are liberals, and that really grew out of the Radical Left.

Simon Emil Ammitzbøll-Beetle and Christina Egelund is to date the only members of the party. According to them, the more will follow after, when the party will be opstillingsberettiget.

The two new party bosses have left their ‘liberal friends’ in the Alliance – why? It is not so simple to answer. But part of the answer lies probably in attitudes to immigration policy and probably also in the personal contradictions that became apparent after the glaring defeat in the elections.

Fremads ethos is classical liberal with an emphasis on personal freedom under responsibility for the community. The individual shall have the right to live his own life without special privileges. The party is committed to civil liberties as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, forsamligsfriihed etc.

the State is for the citizens – not vice versa – therefore it needs to be less. The tax must be reduced in order to ensure competitiveness, and so must climate be taken seriously.

A set of values, that of bourgeois liberals sounds exactly right and a kind of return to the Liberal Alliance of the early days, before the party locked themselves firmly on top as the redeeming mantra.

It is also a classic Simon Emil to talk about the state’s size and its ever-increasing interference in the lives of ordinary people. At the time he called it ‘the great Pinbahis mother’, who took care of everything, mixed in everything – even without being invited.

at the Time it was new and refreshing.

In many ways the value basis healthy and solid with mærkesagerne radicalism, fair immigration policy, strong competitiveness, free Europe and respect for the environment. Most liberals can write on partiejernes way of seeing the world, and the beings, but is it really enough to form a new party on that basis?

The only points where the two parties actually differ from each other, is in immigration matters, where austerity has been too harsh, according to the Forward, and, of course, the relationship with Denmark’s location in Europe. We are ‘all in’, or are we skeptical? The party Ahead is ‘all in’, and the Liberal Alliance is provisional woolly in the mouth in this area.

It is hard to break away from the perception that this is a personal showdown. Simon Emil Ammitzbøll-Beetle was not the president for the after party, Anders Samuelsen, even though he did his. On the way, they received both a proper flush of Henrik Dahl, who spoke about nepotism and inkompetencer in the management.

It is not likely that there are so many rootless liberal left, that both parties have a future.

the Future is determined, therefore by the choice between Simon Emil and the new president Alex Vanopslagh. It is roughly drawn up, but the personal leadership means increasingly in politics.

Here is the Forward to the rear.