In protests against police violence in the US is hurt a young Black in the Texas city of Austin of the police difficult. Also helpers are shot.

The protests against racist police violence after the death of George Floyd to take in the USA now for over a week the police exercises to help also in the demonstrations of violence Than in Austin protesters, one seriously injured students, were they, too, fired at the

Austin – In all 50 States of the USA the protests against racism and police violence after the violent death of George Floyd to continue. The police, in many cases, brutal with the demonstrators. So also in the Texas town of Austin, where a black Student named Justin Howell suffered police bullets a broken skull and brain damage.

shells with Howell were made, called the police as a “less lethal ammunition”, so “less lethal ammunition” and includes, for example, rubber bullets or “Bean Bags”, the bag containing mostly nylon buckshot. Actually, projectiles of this type are referred to as “non-lethal weapons”, but since the application already had deadly consequences, they are now just “less lethal”.

protests against police violence in the United States: In Austin, the police shoot helper

police chief Austin , Brian Manley, confirmed at a press conference on Tuesday that the 20-Year-old on Sunday was injured by such a “less lethal” projectile heavy. On Twitter, circulating Video of the protests in front of the place shows that several people tried to bring the motionless Justin Howell in safety. As they approached the police building, was also shot several times.

Manley confirmed that the helpers in Austin were shot with “less lethal” ammunition, and that a medic on the hands was made. Ultimately, Manley, had been the Student in the building, and then in a hospital. In addition, a young Teenager from the shots had been taken, which was now also in the hospital. Both shots would now be investigated. “We pray for this young man and his family and hope his condition improves quickly,” said the chief of police.

police in Austin, seriously injured black students and don’t shoot helper

Manley identified the seriously injured student, but Joshua Howell, the brother of the victim, confirmed that it is Justin Howell. In an article In the local student newspaper Joshua Howell wrote that the family were not interested in the prayers of the police . Prayers are not an excuse to hand over responsibility.

help The paramedic Maredith Michael, Justin Howell on-the-spot to be tried, shared their experiences as well. On Facebook she wrote that she asked the police to no avail. As other protesters tried to bring Howell in security, have made them the way and doing a hand sign that you should draw as a paramedic identification. In addition, she had been in a red Shirt with a white cross and the helmet clearly identifiable as such. As it was however, hit by the police on the hands, she crashed and had to be carried away herself, and was taken to the hospital.

Austin: Police firing during protests on black students, and paramedic

protests in Austin at last, meanwhile, next, and rotate not only the police killed George Floyd , but also Michael Ramos . Ramos was an unarmed black man who was shot at the end of April, a policeman from Austin .

By Valérie Eiseler

racism and police violence are not in the USA since the murder of George Floyd everyday. Black parents fear every day for their children. The Guest Post.