For the British “Daily Mail” wrote Ashcroft a detailed report. On the own Website “Lord Ashcroft wild life” encouraged the 74-Year-old also strongly against the illegal wildlife-trafficking.

breeding animals exceed the number of free-living lion, by Far,

is The first publication in the year 2019, according to the so-called trophy hunters would be hunting a farmed lion is up to 45,000 euros costs. Alone the hunting of such wild animals according to Ashcrofts evaluation despicable, this way to beat the cruel “fun”, however, is Far. In a small, confined area hunters would rush to the animals in front of them, to stretch them, ultimately, close down.

In the framework of the “Operation Simba” had been discovered, that it should be up to 12,000 of such cultured lion – and with only 3,000 free-living animals. Tourist Resorts, for example, could offer the only way to allow young animals to pet. As soon as these are grown, a result of either the hunt or the animal will directly slaughtered, in order to get the precious bones.

in particular, the Chinese and Russian market, was very interested in this industrially produced Material. Still, you think there to the hidden healing powers of such a bone, similar to the hunting of elephants to get ivory. 800 a year, the lion may leave skeletons in South Africa, the number of unreported cases is, however, a Clear higher. Reason for this is an extremely corrupt market, as Ashcroft was.

hunting resembles more of an execution – painful death, usually

factored in For this year’s report, the “Operation had been called Chastise” to life. The Team, partly consisting of former British soldiers have gone multiple times in life-threatening situations. A lion trader from South Africa was as a double agent.

That double agent was able to take video footage of such a hunt. In it was to see how two men with an all-terrain vehicle to a fenced in enclosure, drive, and a lion’s lady shoot. Meanwhile, they would talk calmly. At the end of the bullet holes is provided with the animal at close by pistols hung had been done.

not that it was not customary to shoot in the “valuable” regions of the body of the animals, to damage to the bone. This results in a generally slower and more torturous death sequence, however.

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take note of a Tiger as A pet

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the Team revealed terrible Details

was A popular Form of breeding in addition, the so-called “Liger”. A combination of lion and Tiger – the Latter actually lives far away on the Asian continent. The advantage of the rapid growth of these hybrids, however, which is why the slaughtering and the sale of these animals is faster. A lucrative market for corrupt traders.

The Team had at some point come in contact with such a dealer and have know this for more frightening Details. Right in the middle of Johannesburg there is a market on which the skins of exotic animals are sold, although it is highly illegal. Meanwhile, it was the Plan of some retailers to poison lions from Botswana, in order to get to their young animals.

Ashcroft also claims that the corruption in South Africa, am already deeply involved in the official structures. Smuggling was Easy, because competent people would be in the examination of such trading goods smear. But the police do not have always a large interest, to track the illegal trade. Ashcroft met with his Team on deaf ears, as you would have reported such a case.

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