give to The farmers in the district belonging to – this is Angela Babl until today, a big concern. A few days ago, the deer girl celebrated her 80. Birthday.

Irschenberg – The farmers in the County be heard, this is Angela Babl until today, a big concern. And the deer girl is not averse to making your time as a circle farmer’s wife also in front of unusual methods. As the then Minister of agriculture, Horst Seehofer, announced during his visit to the country women’s day, he had little time and had to quickly re-announced Babl-witted: “Then I leave the doors locked.” The (not very serious) warning had an effect: The Minister the Concerns and wishes of the farmers stayed on and listened to.

also read: Formative voice of agriculture: Ex-circle farmer’s wife Barbara Hahn is 90.

Angela Babl to 80.: From the newcomer to the circle, a farmer

Just an example for Babls tireless dedication to the interests of agriculture. Even today, the deer girl, the a few days ago, your 80 is. Celebrated his birthday and in 2008 was awarded with the state medal for volunteering, with a passion, when she talks about the in her eyes is still often a lack of appreciation of the benefits of farmers and rural women in politics and society. “It is sad how some people out of ignorance are trampling on agriculture,” says Babl. In contrast, the farmers could arrive only if you present your products and you Can even be aware of.

How to do that has proven to be the 80-Year-old on a number of fronts. For 24 years she sat for the CSU in the deer Berger municipal Council and 24 years in the district Council (1990 to 2014). After ten years as the representative of Anna Marx from Fischbachau Babl 2002 was elected to the district farmer’s wife. The office ripped you do not have, although she remembers. “But it’s made with a lot of fun.” Only if you take responsibility, one could also move a little.

This setting also helped her on the farm. Because as a Babl 1962 married her husband George (82), was in Allach, who grew up a hotel clerk at best a newcomer in agriculture. “Back then, you had to prove yourself first,” she recalls. That dedication and self-confidence to pay off, gives Babl farmers, even today, the (young). The exhibition “Wos i dua and sammed” in the deer Berger costumes home, which she founded together with Sepp grundbacher, is like every couple of years to the big stage for all sorts of talents from agriculture. And thus promoting the exchange among themselves and with the consumers. Babls secret recipe, she says: “it is always Important that you stay in the conversation.” A vehemence that impressed once Seehofer.