The Altschützen Weidach celebrate their 100-year anniversary. Protect champion Susi Steiner looks back

Weidach – We write the Jahr1920: Friedrich Ebert is President of the German Reich, Thomas Mann published his work “master and dog”, in Switzerland, a popular initiative is accepted, the prohibition of Casinos and in Weidach, a shooting club was founded. “Unfortunately, it is from this period, no documents,” says today’s First champion Susi Steiner (59) Protect. “They are probably gone in the Second world war. Not even a list of the founding members exist.“ Just a photo from the may 1925 recalls the consecration of the flag. “On the front face of the Saint Hubertus, on the back of the Wolfratshauser castle, the Weidacher chapel and our club pub ,the Green tree’.” In the restaurant, in a separate area, was also set up the shooting range, as well as the restaurant in 1950, it served as a “place of establishment” after the war.

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Three years later, the Green tree stood in the center of a dispute. “In a practice shoot in November 1953, the majority of the Shooters for a change of venue,” says Steiner. A General Assembly was convened, the first decision is revoked and a re-vote. The Assembly decided 13:5 in favour of the whereabouts in the Local. “The result was that the Association informed: In the ,Altschützen Green tree’ and the Altschützen with the Association of local train station restoration, the renamed later ,to protect society Weidach master’.” The registration of the first group in the register of associations took place in 1976 under the name of “Altschützen Weidach 1920 e. V.”.

+ champion Susi Steiner Protect.©sh

a more integral part of the Association’s life have been Protecting over the years. They took part in sports competitions and also different price were to shoot. With the time of the shooting was in the basement of the Green tree in need of renovation. As the Volunteer fire Department a new device Weidach should get the house, was the opportunity to get in the basement, a club home with six shooting stands to Protect. “This is an opportunity we gladly took true. It was agreed with the city that we had to take care of us, however, even with the Expansion.“ And the acts of the Shooters: they invested on a volunteer basis, around 1800 hours, and created a cozy, but also functional club house, which was consecrated in September 1997 by the then city pastor Nedilko Sabic solemnly.

sporty the Altschützen achieved Weidach great success: in 2002, 2006 and 2007, they won the team competition at the city Championships. “In 2005, and in 2013, even with a curiosity: We were both times ring with the Stoarösl Waldram.” In 2010, Maximilian Selb winner in the Gaufinale and masters in the district of Munich, Vanessa Richter was able to capture some of the first places for themselves. And Susi Steiner? It was created First in the Gaumeister, in the upper Bavarian championship, the Bavarian seniors championship and reached the 17. Place in the German championship. “The Sporty is not for me in the first place,” says the First protecting champion to lead for the past four years, the Altschützen Weidach. “Rather, it is the people, the social gathering. I just feel comfortable here.“

The Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the club, had to be cancelled due to the Corona-crisis. A new date will be announced in due time.


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