the Federal government and the EU Commission have agreed, in negotiations over a rescue package for the heavily damaged Lufthansa on the key points. Accordingly, the Lufthansa takeoff and landing to give rights in Frankfurt and Munich, as the German press Agency learned on Friday evening from government circles.

learned How the dpa further provides for the compromise that Lufthansa is to cast a maximum of eight aircraft, together with the corresponding 24 takeoff and landing rights – each of the four Jets in Frankfurt and Munich. Previously, the “Handelsblatt had reported that” about it. Thus, competitors may build on the two home airports of Lufthansa, each with their own base. First of all, the European Commission claimed the delivery of 20 Jets. Lufthansa had offered the delivery of 3 aircraft, but it had rejected the EU Commission, according to the report.

“Only viable Alternative”

The EU Slot regulation due to the Corona-crisis, for the period from 1. March to the 24. October exposed. This means that the “use it or lose it”rule for the term of not, the following applies: The Airlines are not obliged, their takeoff and landing slots, to perceive, to lose you. This should prevent so-called Ghost flights.

Lufthansa’s Supervisory Board had warned that in case of high requirements, the hub function would be weakened on the home airports of Frankfurt and Munich. The Committee wanted to examine the possible consequences and alternative scenarios. For this purpose alone, a insolvency in self-administration had previously been referred to as a so-called protective shield proceedings. The Supervisory Board is called, but the rescue package from the state economic stabilization Fund (WSF), the “only viable Alternative” to keep up the payment ability.

the EU Commission calls for high price.

Vestager had defended the claim of the Commission in accordance with requirements for the Lufthansa-rescue package. The aim is not to create additional obstacles, but to prevent distortions of competition.

the EU calls for the Commission of the Lufthansa, in return for the state aid takeoff and landing rights to submit said Vestager with the importance of the so-called Slots for the competition. “If someone wants to compete with them, he is in need of Slots at an airport,” said the Dane.

shares, deposits, loans,

The Federal government wants to support the in the Corona-crisis hinged on Lufthansa with a nine-billion-Euro comprehensive aid package. The Lufthansa Supervisory Board had not agreed to the Rescue package so far. As a reason the company is calling the possible conditions of the EU Commission.

The rescue plan for the Lufthansa provides that the state’s economic stabilization Fund (WSF) signed in the course of a capital increase shares, to a participation of 20 percent of the share capital of the airline to build up. In addition, silent participations out of a total of up to 5.7 billion euros and a credit in the amount of up to EUR 3 billion are planned. dpa/Kay Nietfeld/dpabild Margrethe Vestager speaks.

tens of thousands of jobs to the Cant

is Necessary, the aid for Lufthansa, because the Corona pandemic has been associated with the following travel restrictions on the business of the company, with the exception of the cargo almost to a Standstill. In the group with about 138 000 employees, tens of thousands of jobs are therefore on the Brink.

German politicians are calling on the EU Commission therefore, for days to relent. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert said on Friday, once again, the rescue package was balanced and carrying both the needs of the company, as well as those of the taxpayers and the employees.

Even more Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) was. “The EU Commission must reject the restrictions for Lufthansa and just as easy to operate as, for example, with Air France, or Alitalia,” he told the Newspapers of the Funke media group.

warnings against social dumping

Vestager said on Friday that there is a fundamental difference between the planned Liquidity support for the Lufthansa and loans for Alitalia and Air France. A credit will lead to rising debt, additional capital could make it even easier for a company on the capital market to borrow.

“Also a very strong shareholder aboard,” said Vestager, with a view to the German state. It is very likely that other investors and competitors would see this as a strengthening of the company. The Commission Vice-President also pointed out that the member States of the EU had been consulted prior to the adoption of the rules for state AIDS in the Corona-crisis extensively.

not expressed an appeal of the staff representatives of the approximately 23,000 Lufthansa flight attendants Vestager herself. This had drawn the attention of the EU Commission, most recently in a Letter to “precarious work” in cheap providers, which could be the beneficiaries of Lufthansa’s restrictions. Lufthansa offer employees, however, fair and adequate work conditions, it said in the letter to Vestager, the EU-Commission, head of Ursula von der Leyen. The Vereinigung Cockpit, and other unions in the Lufthansa environment, warned the Commission chefinen in front of it, to be responsible for more intense social dumping, and bogus self-employment.

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