FOCUS Online Why is prevention so important for children?

Ingo Fock (Chairman of the Association of “anti-abuse”): the perpetrators are trying to gain the trust of the child. This makes it possible to detect children so hard that they are in danger. Prevention work aims to ensure that children are aware of the need to pay attention to your feelings, to draw their own boundaries and to get help in cases of emergency.

FOCUS Online : at what age can raise the awareness of children for the theme? How are you made aware?

jib: children can be in kindergarten age sensitized. We can teach them that we take their feelings and Fears seriously and that it is okay to say “no”, if your personal boundaries are crossed, and that it is ok to get help.

It is also important that children learn as early as possible the correct names for body parts and know who is allowed to you when, where and how to touch. So you can’t fit the bill better, which actions may be in order, and also notify.

“heard Your body you”

FOCUS Online What to children about sexual abuse to know?

Fock : education age-appropriate, therefore, for children’s messages helpful, such as “your body belongs to you”, “for a gift you need do nothing”, or “help is not a weakness, and a tattletale is not a betrayal, it must be done”. You can help the child in a Situation for a better understanding.

the Knowledge that there are “good and bad feelings” and “good and bad secrets”, is important. The warning, not with foreign people to go with, is basically correct, but must not obscure the fact that the majority of abuse cases take place in the vicinity of the children, in the family and circle of friends. Association “anti-abuse”

The club offers a variety of information events on the topic of prevention of sexual abuse, for example, for parents, teachers and educators in day-care centres and schools, for pupils from the age of 8. Grade level or for police officers and doctors. The Association explains what the offender can identify structures, how parents and educators in case of suspicion, have, in order to keep the hazard potential as low as possible and what the steps are in the interest of the victim is useful. In addition, organized and the Association of theatre promotes educational prevention in schools (“My body belongs to me”).

FOCUS Online What parents can do, children, gardeners, and teachers to protect children?

Fock : One hundred percent protection, there is not, but we can try to minimize the risk of abuse. The Knowledge of the offender strategies is immensely important, and therefore prevention for parents and caregivers is beginning to be should acquire this Knowledge.

A culture of open communication in the parents ‘ house, also on the topic of sexuality, is a very important part of prevention. To the interest of the children and their life worlds, and the exchange about children’s safety and the feeling, talk about anything.

If a child does not want to suddenly go to the gym, or in the piano lessons, although it is not previously went, with enthusiasm there, parents should be vigilant and ask.

In day-care centres and schools should provide extensive protection concepts, which included, among other things, a risk analysis and a code of conduct and also define which measures are to be in the event of suspicion is important.

If parents and other caregivers the self-confidence of children, to strengthen you, give you a good armor on the way.

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One-to-two-abuse-affected children per class

FOCUS Online : How big is the risk for children to become victims of sexual violence and abuse is?

Fock : The danger is, in fact, an everyday risk in the life of a child. Studies estimate that there are in every school class one to two affected children.

FOCUS Online : when does abuse or sexual violence?

jib: of abuse or sexual violence starts where the limits of a child to be exceeded. This can already happen due to inappropriate looks, or sexual innuendo. Or when the Tickling suddenly takes a sexual turn. If young people and adults no longer have the Welfare of the child, but their own need satisfaction in the view, then continue to exercise sexual violence.

FOCUS Online : As professionals to remember that children are the victims?

jib: professionals, but also other caregivers ought to be attentive when children’s behavior is striking, for example, suddenly enuresis, sexual behavior, friends withdraw, when the school at once sagging, the children sleep or concentration disorders, or constantly complain of abdominal pain.

Older kids will get hurt, maybe even suffer from eating disorders or turn to drugs. All of these behaviors may indicate abuse, but also, of course, quite a number of other reasons. The symptoms that accumulate adults should be vigilant.

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definition of child pornography

FOCUS Online : Where is the line between child pornography and “normal” photography?

Fock : The photography of a naked child is not child pornography. But if a child is fully or partially unclothed, are photographed in unnatural, gender-stressed physical stance, this is not a “normal” photography, but child pornography.

We prefer the term abuse figure, as in the production of these photos are already a real abuse of children has taken place. Abuse illustrations aim to stimulate the viewer sexually.

FOCUS Online : How can you prevent child pornography?

Fock : The legislature has defined the year 2015, the offence of child pornography, so that now also the so-called Posing pictures are punishable. Often, however, children for the production of children pornography is hard to miss.

Due to the worldwide distribution of photos and films in the Internet, victims are victimised in addition, permanently. Therefore, it is not enough to punish perpetrators, there are also solutions must be found to stop the spread of the material.

FOCUS Online : How parents can protect their children from child pornography?

jib: here, Too, there is no hundred percent protection. As in the case of child pornography, the figure of a real abuse, the same recommendations apply as in the case of sexual abuse, to raise the awareness of the child, to strengthen, giving them attention and you give the feeling to be able to talk about anything.

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