The Federal government has many positively surprised with their multi – billion dollar economic program for families. You get to because of the Corona-crisis, now extra money from the state: 300 euros, there is a unique for each child, paid in three Installments in the amount of 100 Euro. Because the Bonus is, however, offset in the tax Declaration with the children’s allowance, the benefit to families only up to a taxable annual income of 86,000 euros. This has been calculated by the German tax number of the Institute of the German taxpayers Federation.

  • read: German government decides kids bonus for families – the parents need to know

Many of the welfare organisations welcomed the planned Bonus. He is social and family friendly. However, after the initial euphoria that socially disadvantaged families do not go empty-handed, to terminate many non-profit Associations, the social welfare and the fight against poverty to the Flag, also abdominal pain.

The reason for this is The children’s bonus might ease in the coming months of the first symptoms of the crisis, the current high burden of parents, he is not likely to be at the end but fair. Particularly socially disadvantaged families and their children have suffered in the weeks in which schools, boards and social facilities were forced to close, extremely.

poverty researchers find children’s bonus enough

The poverty researcher Christoph Butterwegge emphasized in an interview with FOCUS Online, and criticized: “The state steals with a one-time payment from the obligation to ensure that, in particular, families in receipt of Transfer payments (editor’s note: state benefits such as Hartz IV) well through this prolonged crisis.”

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The additional costs that were incurred in the past weeks and months due to the Lockdown, could the children’s bonus cushion, so Butterwegge. “There’s a community Lunch is not possible, set by the Federal government in the social protection package II, that food can be delivered to the socially disadvantaged families home. However, in practice this does not work because the providers of care facilities and schools are usually not in the situation,“ he explains.

ark wants to introduce children income

In the case of the ark, they welcomed the planned children’s bonus, but here it is also emphasized that the Bonus posts just with a view to child poverty in Germany, nothing. “In principle, this is of course nice to see that a family gets 300 Euro per child,” says Wolfgang Büscher to FOCUS Online. For 16 years he is the press spokesman for the Christian children and Youth charity which is dedicated especially for children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. It was true that the children will not be credited bonus on the basic security. However, it would be for socially disadvantaged children is merely “a drop in the ocean”.

“We once calculated that A single mother with three children was absent in the Corona-crisis to 240 Euro a month. And if you almost nothing, then it goes to the substance“. The children’s bonus had been late introduced, he says.

in addition, buescher sees another Problem: “children in money, and a children’s bonus belong to the parents and not the children. The money will be invested not necessarily for the benefit of the children and their needs. Therefore, we are asking for a basic protection for children,“ he explains. The idea is that All children, irrespective of their parents ‘ income, a salary in the amount of 600 Euro per month. This money will also not be counted unlike the kids money on the Hartz-IV-set of the parents.

  • surf tip: the Mega-Crash without the unemployed? Why the Corona beam is delayed only strikes

The money is to 27 from the first to the. Age be paid. The special feature of income is that one-half of the money will go to the school or the daycare center. The other half of the family. So, children should be early encouraged, and, for example, on class trips, attend or tutoring to get, which is organized by the school.

children’s income would be legally the children

it is entitled “If children from socially disadvantaged families are not promoted better, most of them fail,” says Büscher. The children’s income would have the advantage that the money is owed legally to the children and not the parents.

Thus, you could complain, even theoretically, if it is not output for you, but, for example, for new items, or consumer goods like a new washing machine. The pressure is for the parents so considerably greater stresses buescher.

  • More of the children’s income you can read here: “The ark” calls for income for children: What poor children really

and that helps in the face of the current crisis, it is more important than ever that children introduce income that the ark has been calling longer. “The families we have slipped into an unimaginably difficult Situation. The school Lunches is down. Ark and table visits were no longer possible,” he said, and continued: “children are not the future, children are present. Especially in difficult times, we do not need a private income for children, so that we exclude you.“ For more equal opportunities children would have to be independent from their parents.

poverty researchers Butterwegge want to be a rule set lifting

poverty researcher Christoph Butterwegge warns, however, that the state must help in the pandemic, precisely as the children’s income to be the case. “That is to say: Not all with the watering can the same amount of pay, but the respective circumstances into account,” said Butterwegge. In the long term, rather the focus should be placed on the social care and education infrastructure will be improved.

“The Federal Republic of Germany is, perhaps, not a closing, but in comparison to other EU member States is still a laggard. In Scandinavian countries, where school classes of 15 pupils sit, there is often team teaching with two teachers, and school pedagogues and psychologists, do not exist currently, many of the problems that there are with us at least since the Corona-restrictions.“

since September, warns that: even before the pandemic, nearly two million children had lived with Hartz IV, because of the corona crisis and its economic consequences, the number is expected to rise further. The poverty researchers, therefore, urges that the basic allowance is raised, Hartz IV recipients will receive more money. “With the current rule sets you can be a child, neither a healthy diet nor dress well and him no good opportunities in the field of education open up.” Especially when E-Learning and digital teaching socially disadvantaged children to be left behind currently. The world is better than your bad news – FOCUS Online provides you every Friday with the best stories from the field perspectives. Subscribe here for free Newsletter:

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