The payment processor Wirecard does not come to rest. After a display of the financial Supervisory authority Bafin the office of the public Prosecutor on Friday has the business premises of the Dax-group searches. There is a suspicion “that the person responsible for the Wirecard by the Ad-hoc communications from the 12.03.20 and 22.04.20 misleading signals as to the market price of shares of Wirecard AG could have,” said a spokeswoman for the competent public Prosecutor’s office Munich I was. Previously, the “Handelsblatt had reported that” about it.

The company confirmed in the evening in Aschheim near Munich, is the searches. !The investigations are not directed against society, but against their Board members!, informed Wirecard more. The Board was “confident that the facts will be made clear, and the allegations will prove unfounded.”

Wirecard share is not lubricating in the OTC trade

On the stock exchange the cared for reassurance. The share price of Wirecard broke on the trading platform trade gate in a first reaction to twelve percent. After that, the loss was reduced to about 6.6 percent. Wirecard 95,88 EUR +0,23 (+0,24%) Xetra

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course data

Specifically, in the case of the Ad-hoc messages to the repeated postponement of the annual balance sheet. After an initial delay of 8. April 30. April had Wirecard the presentation of the Numbers already on the 4. June moved, but this date is not adhered to. To pay template, it is now at 18. June will come.

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Growing mountains of debt, Inflation, expensive Euro rescue: The Corona-crisis is changing the world. What do savers and investors to protect their money? Learn from best-selling author Marc Friedrich on 18. June, at 19.30 in a Webinar of FOCUS Online and Finanzen100. Here is your Ticket!

Wirecard is already longer because of Doubts as to its business practices under pressure. The company had launched in October a special audit of the books for the years 2016 to 2018, by the auditing firm KPMG. The end of April, the published report did not dispel all the doubts. Wirecard CEO Markus Braun had protested incessantly that everything was in order.

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