The Online trade is booming only for the Corona-pandemic – finally, the digital Shopping is a quite convenient matter. However, the classical shopping experience, and the views of the own ecological footprint device, not infrequently, in the Background. At this point, a new Fashion search engine called BLVRD builds that want to connect Online and Offline Shopping.

Shopping-Revolution? BLVRD want the Online and Offline trading

The Online combine trading in the fast Lane and because of the current crisis is certainly still an additional Push. While shopping on the Internet is becoming as a Trend more to travel, should not remain in the Offline trading, but on the track. The new fashion search engine BLVRD has set a big goal want to anyway: she wants to revolutionize the market over the long term and to bring the local Shops, thanks to digital networking back to life.

BLVRD: the new Fashion search engine

With the free App you can go to Users on the search for specific Looks in the environment and directly find out where they are available. Means: you must not Download to Download race of Download. It has been found to be a favorite part of online, shows BLVRD in which specific Store it is locally available. In the right size, color, and at the best price. Such a Shoe is out of it, or a Sweater, dress or Shirt.

Fashion search engine BLVRD customers and distributors

The Whole thing is to bring several advantages: customers will not have to wait for your orders, to have more fun on Live Shopping, save yourself from possible returns, as well as packaging waste and do not support, what is no less important, the local retail sector. At the beginning of the only Shopping-interested in Hannover – the pilot phase starts now, before the shopping of tomorrow can be tried out in other German cities.

the Beta Version of The App is still running until the end of 2020, in the beginning of January 2021, you will have also gained more distributors in five major cities. As the networking of Online and Offline matters to the world at the customer, so show the future. The Team of BLVRD seems to be good things. On the Website it says among other things: “We are determined to change the world. Not more. And in no case less. Anyway, when you are out Shopping.”

This article was written by (

*The post “With this new Fashion search engine you shall finally have your dream Outfit in every city” is published by Glamour. Contact with the executives here.
