Wincent Weiss (30) can be seen again as a coach on “The Voice Kids” from March 10th. The eleventh season of the music show starts at 8:15 p.m. on Sat.1. Together with his colleague Lena Meyer-Landrut (31) and his colleagues Alvaro Soler (32), Michi Beck (55) and Smudo (54), the singer is looking for the best young voice in Germany. In an interview with the news agency spot on news, Weiss revealed what else is on his bucket list and what he is doing to keep up with his young fans.
Wincent Weiss: The children inspire me. I think it’s nice to see that the show is so incredibly honest, because children simply don’t have to clap politely and don’t have to play anything. The emotions are just real. When they cry, they cry and when they laugh, they laugh. There are no played situations. It’s just the most honest show I know.
Weiss: I’ve learned that you should learn a lot more from the kids in everyday life, because they approach everything with such zest for life and such unbiased expectations. We adults forgot that a bit too quickly.
Weiss: I can’t really put myself in the kids’ shoes. At that age I was a shy boy and would never have dared to go on stage and certainly not to sing in front of so many people. So I have the greatest respect for what the kids are doing there. At that age I was playing with Lego and trying to build tree houses. The kids, on the other hand, are already super advanced singers.
Weiss: My grandfather and my mom. I never had star role models. Unfortunately, I don’t know my way around the celebrity world, so there are no role models for me there.
Weiss: I always say that I like being a role model and conveying my values. For example, some parents criticize me when I drink a beer. But I’m 30, I’m allowed to do that. Of course, I’m not saying that children under 30 should do the same. It gets a bit confused sometimes.
Weiss: From this album you will learn a lot about what my private world looks like right now. The answers to questions that are not answered in interviews can be heard in the songs.
White: Yes, that’s right. But when it comes to songwriting, I just found it normal to pack your own feelings and emotions into it. I find it easier as an artist to accommodate his feelings than to tell a made up story. I believe you can only embody real emotion if you put real emotion into it and that’s why I sing about everything that’s going on with me.
Weiss: No, I’m still not the best at it, I want to get even better. This balance between work and friendships, professional and private life, the gap is sometimes a bit too big for me. Friends write to me more than I write to friends. And that annoys me a bit.
Weiss: I hope to be on the path for the rest of my life. I think arriving and stopping is something really scary. One should always go on in life and still feel arrived. But I never want to get stuck somewhere and experience a standstill. I always want to keep going, but I also notice that I’m getting closer to myself. I cried more than ever on “The Voice Kids”. This is also a sign that you are emotionally complete because you can allow it all.
Weiss: I grew up in a small village in the north and would like to stay there forever and escape the big city as often as possible. That’s where I come from and that actually helps me to arrive.
Weiss: I was relatively chained to the bed during the shoot, but it was incredibly nice to see that so many situations arose that couldn’t be planned because we really drove through the city. A lot of people stopped, took out their cameras and honked at us. That was very funny. But nothing bad happened. Only one foot is broken. (laughs)
Weiss: For me it’s not bad at all. I’m looking forward to turning 30. Not much has changed for me. Everything is the same for me and I used to feel very grown up in everything I do.
Weiss: I try to keep up with the times at least a little bit. But that’s sometimes very difficult for me on TikTok. Some things are too young for me. I spend maybe five minutes a day on the app.
Weiss: I would be a kindergarten teacher or would continue to work in gastronomy.
Weiss: On my bucket list is having more freedom, saying “no” more and I really wanted to get a pilot’s license. I hope to be able to do that at some point.