In a special week from January 2 to 6, 2023, the RTL quiz show “Who wants to be a millionaire?” to win up to three million euros again. The broadcaster announced this on Wednesday. The cult show with Günther Jauch (66) had already gone into the “3 million euro week” in spring and August. However, nobody was able to take home the main prize. Now new participants get the chance to secure the record sum of three million euros. The show will also be available on demand on RTL.

For four straight nights, contestants will compete for a place in the finals broadcast on Friday, January 6th for what could be the biggest win in the show’s history.

In each program, six participants in the preliminary round in the panel fight for a place on the coveted chair opposite moderator Jauch. As in every normal “Who wants to be a millionaire?” episode, everyone has the choice between the risk and the safety variant and initially plays the classic game for one million euros. However, earning 16,000 euros is already enough to qualify for the final and have a chance of winning the main prize: three million euros.

The previous two special weeks were even shorter. The “preliminary round” was scheduled from Monday to Wednesday and the final on Thursday. This gives even more candidates the chance to make it to the “finals”.

On the last day of the show, the finale of the special week, all participants who have qualified sit in the selection round. Each player has the chance to wager their winnings from the preliminary round and play for three million euros. In the final round, each candidate gets four jokers. In addition, everyone achieves a security level for the 1,000 euro question.

During the final round, the candidates go through two bidding rounds. In the first round, the player is offered money. In the second round, three additional jokers wave. From now on, any joker combination is allowed and as many as necessary may be used for one question. Solely the 50:50 joker may only be used once per question.

Should a participant actually take home three million euros at the end, that would be the biggest win in the history of “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?”.