Feeding birds has several advantages: on the one hand, you make it easier for the animals to find food, and on the other hand, you can observe robins, tits and sparrows up close. For this reason, the Nature Conservation Association Germany e. V. (Nabu) also sees bird feeding as a combination of nature experience and environmental education – even though it has nothing in common with the protection of endangered species, “since it almost exclusively benefits less threatened species that have been equipped by nature in such a way that their populations can also survive cold winters cannot be permanently reduced.” That’s why you should only feed wild birds in the cold season, more precisely from November to the end of February. The animals find enough food in spring and summer – this also applies to mild winters.

According to Nabu, a bird house should always be hung in such a way that it is protected from moisture and predators such as cats or martens – and gives you a clear view of the feeding area. Nevertheless, it is important for the animals to be able to escape into surrounding trees or bushes when danger threatens. Therefore, choosing the right location is crucial when choosing a hanging birdhouse. “Make sure that nearby glass panes do not become deadly traps for the birds. Avoid seeing through or reflecting in your windows. Stick any stickers or patterns on dangerous panes from the outside,” the German Nature Conservation Association also points out.

Most models are made from real wood, MDF or metal. However, the most important requirement for a hanging birdhouse is that the animals cannot walk around in it and defecate. “In this way, you minimize the transmission and spread of pathogens. In addition, the food does not spoil,” explains Nabu. Below we will introduce you to five models in more detail.

1. Birdhouse made from spit fir

According to the manufacturer, this bird house from Wild Animal Heart is made of 100 percent weatherproof and natural solid wood (18 mm thick), more precisely it is FSC-certified fir. The house can be filled with bird food via the front flap. With additional hooks on the outside, fat balls can also be attached to it, for example.

2. Birdhouse made of pine wood

This bird house from dobar is made from weatherproof pine wood and impregnated with a colored glaze. In the middle there is a silo made of UV-resistant acrylic glass, through which you add the food. According to the manufacturer, the model is intended to be reminiscent of the traditional architectural style so that it fits into any modern environment. The house is attached using a tear-resistant cord.

3. Plastic birdhouse

This granite-colored model from Emsa made of weather-resistant and easy-to-clean plastic (UV-resistant) was also kept in a modern country house style. According to the manufacturer, the bird house can fulfill different functions all year round: either it serves as a food source for scattered food and suet balls – or as a bird bath in summer. The model can either be hung or attached to the house wall in the gable.

4. Stainless steel birdhouse

This simple design bird house (or more precisely the food in it) is protected from rain and moisture by an extra large roof projection. Made from shiny stainless steel, dobar’s model can be hung in a tree with a metal wire or attached to a wall.

5. Fir wood kit

Unlike the other birdhouses we have introduced to you, this one from Royal Gardineer needs to be assembled by hand first. The scope of delivery includes (almost) everything you need: lacquered fir wood cuts, screws, cords and roofing felt. For smooth assembly, all you need to do is add a Phillips screwdriver.

If you want to build a hanging bird house yourself, you only need a few accessories – such as wooden boards (made of spruce, fir or pine) and a strip, Plexiglas, nails or wood screws, screws (with a wooden thread) and a tear-resistant cord or a sturdy one Rope. This video clearly explains how to assemble the individual parts step by step:

You can find suitable construction instructions here.

Source: NABU

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