the Board of Trustees announced on Wednesday in Frankfurt am Main. The prestigious award is endowed with 25,000 Euro. Be honoured personalities who have contributed in literature, science or art, for the realization of the idea of Peace.

Sen was born in 1933 in shantiniketan (West Bengal) and lives in Cambridge (Massachusetts/USA). In 1998, he had received the Nobel prize for Economics. Sen was “set as a thought leader for decades, with questions of global justice apart”, it said on Wednesday, in the grounds of the Board of Trustees. His Work contributed to the fight against social inequality and are as relevant today as never before.

don’t count the Sens main demands it, “the prosperity of society solely on the economy to measure growth, but also to the development opportunities, particularly for the most Vulnerable,” said Karin Schmidt-Friderichs, head of the börsenverein and Chairman of the Board of Trustees. “His inspirational work is to promote a culture of political decisions, which is borne by the responsibility for others and anyone the right to participation and self-determination denied.”

The Frankfurt-based stock exchange Association of the German book trade awards the peace prize since 1950. Will be presented the award, traditionally, at the conclusion of the Frankfurt book fair in the St. Paul’s Church – this year the the 18. October. In 2019, the Brazilian photographer and environmentalist Sebastião Salgado had been excellent. Consumer advocates declared that children in the Corona-Warning-App use to FOCUS Online consumer advocates declared, whether children in the Corona-Warning-App to
