In the seventh episode of the VOX show (also on RTL) “The Lion’s Den”, the founders present a small plastic button with a great effect. The “Triggid” is said to be the solution for tension and muscle hardening. A competition between Nico Rosberg (37) and Carsten Maschmeyer (63) ignited for the “Enteron” investment. The ex-Formula 1 driver warns of a deal with his lion colleague.
Bastian (42), Jan (31) and Lars (45) compete in the cave to help as many people as possible with muscular tension with their “Triggid”. To do this, the physiotherapists invented a small plastic button that is stuck to the affected area with the help of kinesiology tape. The product is designed to apply pressure to the painful area for 24 hours, thereby relieving muscle hardening.
In order to advance their company, the three founders need 120,000 euros and offer a 10 percent share in the company. “Feels really good on the skin, fantastic,” says Judith Williams (51) enthusiastically when trying it out. However, the high price of 14.99 euros for the small product surprised Carsten Maschmeyer. Nevertheless, the lion sees the potential of “Triggids” and joins forces with lion colleague Ralf Dümmel (55) for a joint offer for a company share of 25 percent. But Nils Glagau (46) is also very interested in the investment. “I think I’m the better lion for what you need now,” the 46-year-old tries to convince the founders and wants to take 20 percent of the company for himself. After a long consultation, the inventors try to negotiate the lion duo Maschmeyer and Dümmel down to 23 percent and with success – deal for “Triggid”.
Two lions want to invest in the invention of the Logisch family and get into a real competition with each other. Thomas (55), Jonas (22), Leonard (22) and Josephine (35) want to use their “Enteron” to solve the sewage problem in yachts and houseboats. Normally the waste water is collected in tanks and then chemicals are added to avoid an unpleasant smell on board. This service water is often simply dumped into the body of water instead of being properly disposed of. Of course, this represents a major environmental problem. The “Enteron” tank, on the other hand, is supposed to function completely biologically, like an intestine. The liquid is separated from the solid and bacteria are added. After this process, the waste water can be discharged into the surrounding water without any problems.
The founders have already successfully sold their product. A large Dutch shipyard wants to install the “Enteron” in its ships as standard in the future. Now the founders would like to expand to the USA. The family needs 150,000 euros for this and is willing to give up 25 percent of their company. Investors are surprised by this generous offer. While the other lions regret not having any suitable contacts and are therefore out, Nico Rosberg and Carsten Maschmeyer absolutely want to get in. Maschmeyer offers the desired money, but would like to have a 25.01 percent share in the company. “With all due respect, but if you took the deal with Carsten today, that would be a very, very big mistake, sorry, Carsten,” Nico Rosberg intervened, who made the same offer as his lion colleague. In order to convince the founders, the ex-racing driver stands up and explains why he is “100 percent” the right investor for the family. When the “Enteron” inventors asked if the two lions could join forces, Nico Rosberg immediately gave a hard rebuff. “With all due respect, but I would like to do it with you alone” – And that’s how it happens.
“We have a completely new species of fish here,” Martina (63) begins her pitch in the cave with her son Alexander (42), holding up a net with aubergines. The two come from a traditional fishing family from northern Germany. Because the two could no longer endure the animal suffering, both are now vegans. But why do without your beloved fish salads? The founders didn’t want that and invented “Taste Like”. The two delicatessen salads are based on aubergines in different variations and require 100,000 euros for 20 percent. “It’s unbelievable that there isn’t any fish in it,” says Ralf Dümmel, fascinated by the product. Nico Rosberg also thinks the recipe is phenomenal and is excited to be able to do something about overfishing and overexploitation in the sea with “Taste Like”. However, the lions are reluctant to approach products that have to be cooled and therefore get out, except for Dagmar Wöhrl (68). “You’re brave, why shouldn’t I be brave too?” the lioness dared to take the step for a 30 percent share in the company.
Without a deal, Sabrina (34) has to go home. In the cave, the founder of “Brunch Bag” presents her stylish cool handbags. The inventor offers the combination of a pretty handbag and a practical cool bag. But the lions don’t see an investment in “Brunch Bag” that they want to invest in. Mark (43), who presents a ventilation system for helmets and masks with “Opleprops”, has a similar experience. First Nico Rosberg is enthusiastic, who knows the sweaty problem under a helmet from his racing days. Nevertheless, the product cannot score with the lions.